TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
January, 1940
Helps for the Leader I O ne C reator of A ll
got to continue fighting. To stop sud denly and be friendly seemed a prepos terous thing. But there was a greater force than armies at the front that night.” Questions for Discussion 1. By what means could your Chris tian Endeavor Society have fellowship with Christian young people of other races in your community? 2. How much of our race prejudice is due to selfish fear of economic loss to ourselves if other races should be given “liberty and justice” ? (Illustrate your answer freely.) FEBRUARY 18, 1940 “ NEITHER JEW NOR GREEK” C olossians 3:9-17 Meditation on the Lesson Wherever there are those of whom it may be said that “Christ is all and in all” (Col. 3:11), there will one find an absence of class and race distinctions. The happy relationship wherein there is “neither Jew nor Greek” is possible only through union with Christ (cf. Col. 3:3). Into that mystical organism, “the church, which is his body” (Eph. 1:22, 23), the Lord Jesus Christ, by His grace draws persons from any nation. The unity of the divine life shared in by all believers counterbalances all differences, even as great as that between the pol ished “Greek” and rude “Scythian.” Let one member of the group repre sent each of the following classes men tioned in verse 11: Greek (Gentile), Jew, believer in Old Testament rites, be liever in freedom from Old Testament rules, bondman, freeman (or only two may be chosen, representing Jews and Gentiles). As he tries to imagine what the natural prejudices in each case would have been, let each speaker show the change wrought by union with Christ as that change is shown in rela tion to the following instructions: Rules for behavior (v. 12).
“ OBJECTALKS” 20 blight talks to boys and girls illustrated by familiar objects. “ TALKS ON TEXTS” 20 children’s Sermons. Illuminated fascinating illustrations. “ Paper Tearing'Talks” 15 Gospel talks. Paper is folded, then torn and the object is unfolded. In teresting to old and young. Full di rections. One Pastor writes: “ Your talks are the best I have ever used or have been able to find.'’ •v - Each set $1.00 Ail Three $2.00 55 talks—whole year with the Children Over 47,000 in use. Haddon Service« Box 164B, Fairfield, Conn.
“And hath made of one blood all na tions of men for to dwell on the face of the earth” (Acts 17:26). A Japanese evangelist once said to a group of his countrymen: “Today I attended a sur gical clinic, and saw the foreign teacher preparing to remove a cataract from the eye of an old woman. I wondered thus to myself, ‘Suppose now we Chris tians are mistaken, and that instead of one God there are many gods, and that the one that made the American did not consult with the one that made the Japanese, and as a result there is a difference in the minute anatomy of the eye, and so this operation proves a fail ure.’ But no such thoughts seemed to disturb the doctor. He cut into the eye in confidence, took'out the cataract, and the patient could see. Truly there is but one God, the Creator of us all.” —Record of Christian Work. H H atred O verruled In describing a scene in Flanders dur ing the World War, Captain Bruce Baimsfeather has called attention to the one force that overcomes interna tional enmity. As Christmas day dawn ed he noticed that suddenly the men in his own army as well as men from the German trenches began to move boldly out into “No Man’s Land,” laughing and talking. His story and explanation of the incident, printed in the American Maga zine, follow: “The soldiers of both armies were approaching one another with smiling curiosity in just the way a crowd surges over a football field after a match. Something had leaped across the intervening space, like the leap of electricity between two over charged spheres. The Spirit of Christ mas had been too much for war. We were soldiers who had fought, and had
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Rules for forgiveness (v. 13). Rules for perfection (v. 14). Rules for peace (v. 15). Rules for growth (v. 16). Rules for service (v. 17).
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Helps for the Leader I L ove the J ews
It has been estimated that in propor tion to the world’s population, more Jews than Gentiles have become Chris tians. We forget, because we are in the majority Gentiles, that were we poured together with the millions of China, India, and other non-Christian Gentile lands, our proportion would be diluted and reduced to a very meager point. . . . A questionnaire sent out to Jew ish Christians to find the major con tributing causes of their conversions
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