King's Business - 1940-01


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January, 1940

man went to China as a servant, but he soon became a missionary and a very great and famous one, William Milne, who carried on a “vigorous work of preaching, teaching, translation and pub­ lication, the influence of which was mightily felt within the whole Empire.” —Selected. n M uch M ore B eyond Robert Chapman, the Barnstaple pa­ triarch, on being asked whether he found the Scriptures as full and as fresh as when he commenced studying them fifty years ago, replied: “My dear broth­ er, I find I am but touching the fringe of a vast expanse” (cf. Psa. 36:6). —1,000 Acts and Facts, by Pickering. Questions for Discussion 1. How may a Christian be kept open- minded to new spiritual truth and still be protected from erroneous or “fad­ dish” ideas? (Eph. 6:17; 2 Tim. 4:2-5; 2 Cor. 10:5, last clause). 2. What method of Bible study have you found most helpful? (Consecutive reading through the entire Bible, analy­ sis of a book taken chapter by chap­ ter, memorization of single texts, or study of many passages bearing on a single theme—all have their supporters and can be evaluated by those who have tried those various methods.)

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Torrey’s Gist of the Lesson for 1940 Convenient vest-pocket lesson helps ________________ ___ $ .35 • RELIGIOUS OR CHRIS­ TIAN By O. Hallesby The author uses the Sword of the Word of God to cut a sharp line of demarcation between the Christian life and all other forms of religious life.....................$1.00

GOD’S PURPOSE A handy little volume of daily in­ spirational sermonettes from out­ standing ministers of the Gospel..$.60


Thoughts on our training for the ministry of intercession.......... ... $ .50

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