King's Business - 1940-01


January, 1940

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

neck able to bend, our Statue of Liberty on Bedloe’s Island would be bowing her once glorious brow to the very earth today. Finland suffers—and the whole Gentile world, save for her persecutors, rushes to her relief. All Israel passes through the agonies of the damned— and the Gentile world all but forgets! “ And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another” (v. 10). Nations that once proudly kept their covenants, today boast their shame as covenant-breakers. Treaties once were regarded as sacred obligations. Since the World War—“scraps of paper” ! “Betray one another” ! Ask Ethiopia, ask Czechoslovakia, ask Austria, ask Albania, ask Palestine, ask Finland. “And shall hate one another” (v. 10). And, oh, how they hate! How Ger­ many hates France, how France hates Italy, how Italy hates England, how England hates Japan, how Japan hates Russia, how Russia hates everybody, and how everybody hates the Jew! It is a world literally seething with hate, in which we find ourselves in these days when man’s social and scientific ad­ vancement is supposed to have reached its supremest heights—this wonderful “Twentieth Century” ! We might continue. Need we do so? “ THEN shall the end come” (v. 14). It is enough. For when He shall appear, “sorrow and sighing shall flee away” (Isa. 35:10). “When?” “Then!” Lord Jesus, we believe You! Evangelistic Services The Edward VanderJagt Evangelistic Party, 236 Monroe Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich., conducted a series of meetings from November 5 to 19 in the Baptist Church of Deckerville, Mich. The church each night was crowded to its capacity. Entire families were converted, and heads of homes. The pastor said that the attendance was the largest in the history of the church. The young peo­ ple’s vesper service conducted each night had an average attendance of fifty. The messages in song and music on the accordions and vibra-harp, pro­ vided by Mrs. VanderJagt and her daughter, Betty Mae, received very fa­ vorable comment. Sister Abigail: A Woman Who Believed God By E d w in D. M o n ro e This brief booklet is a memorial to “ Sister Abigail,” Mrs. Abigail Luffe of El Nathan Home, Buffalo, N. Y. The author’s article appears with material by Mrs. Clara S. Feidler (Sister Abi­ gail’s biographer) and by Mrs. David R. Ednie of the present staff of the Home. 21 pages. Sword and Shield Book Store, 38-40 W. Huron St., Buffalo, N. Y. Price 10 cents.

V it a l c h r is t ia n f ic t io n for YOUNG PEOPLE • HIS OUT-STRETCHED ARM. Thrilling new böok by Evelyn M . McClusky, who gives 21 true d* 1 stories of God’s outreaching...... - ^ I • DARDA . . An appealing story which brings Christ close.............. • TORCH AND SWORD . . 3rd Edi­ tion. History of MBC Modern miracles ............— ...................... • SUPPLIED! . . our every need— A most unusual series from Moses’ 4th book, .. 224 pages............ ......... *■l J and • BLACK AND WHITE . . 324 pages of glowing evidences that to wor­ ship God is our S H reason for being.... I and * $1.25 * 75 $1 .25 $2.00 ing! for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see” (Deut. 28:65-67). “THEN” shah they (the Gentiles) afflict you and kill you! And not in the entire history of all Israel—Israel, that has splashed along in her own blood throughout her long, long trek—have so many suffered affliction in a like period of time and stood face to face with death as in these years just past. And we are not unmindful of those who suf­ fered under Pharaoh, Antiochus Epi- phanes, Titus, and under the anti- Semitic tyrants of the Middle Ages. As we write these words, an authentic news dispatch comes from Berlin to say: “Jews who have inquired during the past few days for clothing ra­ tion cards have been told by Ger­ man authorities that they were not to receive them. . . . The ban on ra­ tions on clothes, with winter deep­ ening, puts the Jews in Germany in an even more desperate position than heretofore. Even wool for mending old clothes is rationed and hence, presumably, unavailable for them.” Remember that the expression, "Jews in Germany," now means not only those in the Germany of a year ago, but the millions that ,a year ago were in Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. The slow torture-to-death methods now being used by the Nazi government may not seem so bloody, but are infinitely more cruel than quick death by the sword. Antiochus Epiphanes was far more kind than Adolf Hitler! “ And ye shall be hated Llit., ‘de­ tested’] of all nations for my name’s sake” (v. .9). “Hated” ! “Detested” ! And one does not need to go to Jew-baiting Germany to find'Jews who understand the mean­ ing of those words. Ask the Jews of “liberty-loving” America! Were her .75 ,75 MIRACLE BOOK CLUB 131— 15th St.', Richmond, Calif, “WHEN?” “ THEN!” [ Continued from Page 12]

A Christian preparatory schoolofferingaccredited four-year training for College entrance. Strong courses, Orthodox Christian teachers. Wholesome social, athletic, and.extracurricular activities. Academy stu­ dents enjoy the College atmosphere. Addressthe Dean, Box i_40.


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Higley’ s Commentary The m ost com plete and in ­ spiring Sunday School Lesson helps available fo r 1940. Over 60% sales increase last year. Price $1.00. Order from your Bookseller.

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