T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
January, 1940
Our Litèrature Table
stock»* w ere sold out in January last year, and it w as necessary to put the book back on the press. In addition to the excellent expository and analytical text helps, there are suggestions fo r teaching in every department in the Sun day-school alon g w ith such features as “ P ractical A pplications,” “ Illustrations and Sidelights,” and a “ B lackboard Talk.” 234 pages. L igh t and L ife Press, W inona Lake, Ind. Cloth. P rice $1.00. The Teacher’» Guide— B y James R. Kaye. A presentation o f the Sunday-school lessons in a scholarly, and at the same time practical, exposition o f the Scrip tures, has brought an increasing demand fo r this “ Guide.” The lessons are treated in a thoroughgoin g manner and. are easy to follow and to grasp because o f the logical division o f subject matter. Charts, illustrations, and a com plete index o f topics add greatly to the value o f the book. 385 pages. John A. D ickson Pub. Co., 805 S. Jefferson St., Chicago, 111. P rice $1.50. Higley’s Sunday School Lesson Com mentary — This seventh edition of the H ig- ley Commentary is published for the use o f “teachers who want to be faith ful to God’s W ord and present the "lesson . . . in dem onstration of the Spirit and pow er of the Gospel.” The book contains such v al uable features as these: verse-by-verse exposition, topical discussions, lesson il- i .. . . . object lessons, hom iletical n lesson questions. Printed in a clear type face on slightly tinted stock that is easy on the eyes, the book w ill provide fo r a year o f profitable study. 320 pages. The H igley Press, Butler, Ind. Cloth. P rice $1.09. F irst issued many years ago by the American Sunday School Union, the pres ent volum e is a reprint of a popular v o l ume. It deals w ith American life o f per haps half a century ago— and the scenes presented m ay seem strangely unrelated to the experience of present-day readers. The story gathers about a boarding house, w hich w as first a place o f utter unat tractiveness, but w as later deftly trans form ed into a real home w ith a Christian atmosphere. 351 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. P rice $1.00. A Daily Rate By GRACE LIVINGSTON H ILL
Messiah: His First Coming Scheduled By DAVID L. COOPER A livin g history o f Israel, a defensible O ld T e s t a m e n t chronicle, and a keen analysis o f H ebraic eschatology in a sin gle compendium : H aving begun, one dare not skip a page. The author, exceptionally suited to the task, is to be high ly com plimented fo r his patient investigation coverin g many years, fo r his persistent seeking of truth in libraries and am ong monuments o f many lands, and fo r the pleasing presentation o f cum brous facts, figures and faces, enabling the reader to pick fru it on every page. The view advanced, that the pentateu- chal, literary com position includes récords kept by Adam, Noah, Shem, Isaac, Jacob, and others, in our judgm ent, does not invalidate either its Mosaic authorship pr divine inspiration. Both are care fu lly protected by the author. Dr. Coop er’s suggestion that, the ten “ toledhoth,” “ these are the generations,” o f Genesis are subtitular rather than titular, though reversing the generally accepted opinion, has much in its favor. In chronology, Anstey’s “ R omance of Bible C hronology,” highly commended by G. Campbell Morgan, is-follow ed with the ad d ed . feature o f a sabbatic scheme of the divided kingdom . This volum e is a rich find fo r either Jew or Gentile interested in Old T esta ment truth. 555 pages. Biblical Research Society, 4417 B erenice Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Cloth. P rice $2.00. Sunday-School Lesson Commentaries for 1940 Peloubet’s Select Notes— B y W ilbur M. Smith. Characterized as “ an encyclopedia o f inform ation, an inspiration to every teacher,” this authoritative Sunday-school lesson comm entary again excels in quality and quantity o f B ible inform ation. Each lesson is illum inated by concise state ments o f its objective and setting, su g gestive outlines, comprehensive bib lio graphy, v erse-by-verse interpretation, les son truth application, quotation and pic torial illustrations, and discussion ques tions. Numerous maps and charts are also provided. 418 pages. W . A. W ilde Co., 131 Clarendon St., Boston, Mass. Cloth. P rice $2.00. The Gist of the Lesson— B y R. A. T or- rey. Busy men and women, teachers and pupils w ith a desire to prepare the les sons m ost effectively, w ere borne, in m ind in the preparation o f this handy vest- pocket edition. The book’s conciseness makes it possible to carry this exceed ingly w orth -w h ile aid a.t all times and to use it fo r p rofitable study in trolleys, trains, etc. This com pilation o f lesson discussion from Dr. T orrey’s extensive notes includes the time, place, and h is torical setting o f the text, a complete outline o f the content, and helps fo r in dividual devotional study. 160 pages. R evell Co. F abrikoid. P rice 35 cents. Arnold’s Practical Commentary — Edited by B. L. Olmstead. So popular has this comm entary becom e that the publishers’
For Juniors A Garden of Bible V erse»—B y Eveleen H arrison. F ollow in g a central theme, Miss H arrison has chosen stories from the W ord that have a definite appeal to Junior boys and girls, and has assembled them d irectly from the K in g James V er sion into an attractively bound book, ideal fo r a g ift or fo r an award in Sunday- school. Illustrated, 64 pages. T extford ¡Press, 257 W est 17th St., New Y ork. F ab rikoid. P rice 40 cents. Great Stories from the Bible — By E ve leen Harrison. R etold in language that grips the attention o f children, these great stories o f the. B ible 1w ill live anew to them. The book should aw aken a new interest in Bible characters as real men and women who actually lived. Illustrated. 63 pages. T extford Press, 257 W est 17th Sit., New Y ork. F abrikoid. P rice 40 cents, Mr, Sundial— By Muriel Collins. This story fo r youn ger Juniors tells pf a lonely little g irl left at home by m is sionary parent^ She w eaves fan cifu l im aginations around the old sundial in a quaint old-w orld garden. H aving learned, even at a tender age, that God answers prayers, she prays fo r playmates, and the greater part o f the story is taken up w ith their adventures. 124 pages. P ickerin g & Inglis. Cloth. P rice 60 cents. Smith’s Bible Dictionary By W ILLIAM SMITH In this treasury o f inform ation, there are comm ents on every name given in the Bible. There is also an account of. each o f the books o f the Bible, and an explana tion o f the civil and religiou s institutions, and manners and custom s o f the Jew s alluded to in Scripture. The book is the only American edition o f the abridgm ent made by Dr. Smith from his three-volum e encyclopedic w ork. The D ictionary is printed in a large and distinct type face. A lon g w ith a good concordance and a Bible conunentary, this book takes its place as an essential in the Bible student’s library. 776 pages, 7% ” x l0 % ” . R evell Co. Cloth. P rice $2.00. Cruden’s Concordance B y ALEXANDER CRUDEN S The name “ Cruden’s” has come to stand fo r excellence am ong Biblical concord ances. This new, large-typ e edition gives the author’s original w ord comm entary, list o f Bible proper names w ith d efin i tions, and copious notes. F or over half a century, this w ork has held its place as an indispensable reference help. 618 pages, 7% ” x l0 % ” . R evell Co. Cloth. P rice $2.00. By Grace Through Faith Plus Nothing B y W ILLIAM L. PETTINGILL These “ Simple Studies in Galatians” show forth the clarity and convictiort fo r which the author is already w ell known. There is an excellent outline o f the Epistle, occupying tw o pages of. the book, and a careful v erse-by-verse expo sition follow in g. F or the stimulation o f the Christian’s faith, the reading o f this book w ill, be a blessing from the Lord. 105 page's.' Fundam ental Truth Publishers. Cloth. P rice $1.00; BU Y ER S ' GUIDE + ORIENTAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY, »00 N. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles, C alif., desires agents to sell Mrs. Charles E. Cowman’s books. See display ad page 28. JOHN RUDIN & COMPANY, 1018 S. WABASH Ave., Chicago, 111., offers opportunity to intro duce program o f Bible jstudy. See display ad page. 20. ANNFITTR8 AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, BIBLE HOUSE, New York, N. Y. Free booklet describing annui ties. See display ad inside front cover. WHEATON COLLEGE, WHEATON, ILL . LIFE Annuity inform ation sent upon request. See dis play ad inside back cover.
"As Seeing Him , . S* B y GENE FARRELL
Tlie author has produced a delightful, w orth -w h ile book o f poems and short sermons. The theme o f conquering faith runs through the book like a beautiful rainbow. The practical strength o f the w ritin g w ill bring new courage and as surance to Christians in all w alks o f life. 81 pages. Mrs. Lena E. W orm er, 2216 E: 8th St., L ong Beach, Calif. Leatherette. P rice $1.00. •
a g e n t s w a n t e d JASPER GROOVER COMPANY, 1507 CASS Aye., St. Louis, M o., offers spare tim e work for women. See display ad page 37. I HAVE AN ESPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE PRO- position for 1,000 agents selling “ Searching the Scriptures.” J. E . M cKee, Alpine, N , Y. E. J. M ILLS, 1577 MONMOUTH A V E ., CIN- cinnati, Ohio. Details upon application. See dis play ad on back cover. NU -W AY MFG. COMPANY, W ALNUT BLDG ., Des Moines, Iowa, offers new type water heater. See display ad page 37,
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