By H. L. WITTE This is a true story. I know this man personally. I know of the folks he has helped with his money-making Plan. I know of widows with children to support who thank him for their cash incomes. I know of men who lost their jobs, but were able to make more money than ever before. I can tell you of men and women who live better because of the opportunity this man gives them to add to their earnings. Yes, I know of literally hundreds of folks to whom this man’s idea of doing business has been a God send. DO YOU NEED MONEY? Perhaps you, too, are in urgent need of money to meet pressing bills. You may have some spare time you want to turn into cash. Then you will want to write this man at once. There will be no obligation, on your part. Costs you nothing. He will write and tell you about a wonderful op portunity he has ifor you and how
WOULD THIS OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE GOOD MONEY EVERY WEEK HELP YOU? Right now Mr. Mills needs more men and women in all parts of the country. He has an opening for someone right in your own or nearby locality. To everyone who accepts his offer he guarantees a fair, square deal and an amaz ing opportunity to make money in a pleasant, dignified, easily handled business of your own. Everything you need is sent to you. You don’t need experience. The few things you need to do are written down in simple, plain language. Th i s is y our r e a l chance to make excellent money even in your spare time, either daytime or evenings. You can devote full time or part time the year ’round and enjoy fine cash earnings. EARNINGS START AT ONCE I sincerely ask you to fill out and mail the coupon. You don’t obli gate yourself or risk any money. You will receive complete details by mail. Then you can decide. Here’s your chance to make the money you need — at once. Just M mail the coupon or a penny post- / I card t o : E. J. Mills, 1577 Mon- / mouth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.
others who were hard-pressed have found relief with his common-sense Plan. He is president of a large, old- e s t a b l i sh ed company which does business in every section of the country — in your very own locality. This company started more than 30 years ago with an IDEA. That IDEA was this: “We’ll help worthy people who are in need of
money. Our proven Plan shall be given to the deserving so they, too, can have money.” The business prospered. It became most successful. And today it is providing hundreds of men and women with the op portunity t o m a k e good cash i n c ome s for themselves in a respectable manner.
I E. J. MILLS, President | 1577 Monmouth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio | H Y es, I w an t to m ake m oney. W ith ou t co st or 1 H obligation , send me fu ll details o fthe w on derfu l = H op portu n ity n ow open in m y locality. | NAME. . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... ...................................... |
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