was crazy, tiring, and spiritually demanding for all seven weeks. With extreme games, insane rallies, and challenging messages, Snowcamp was bound to show some impactful results—and it did. Many kids that had been involved with different youth groups for years got to hear the Gospel from a different perspective or made a decision to follow Christ on a real level. The kids got to have short, but meaningful conversations with their counselors that showed them the realness of the love of Christ. Even though the time spent with the campers was only 44 hours, those few hours were meant to pack a spiritual punch into these kids’ lives. Not only did each and every weekend impact the kids, but it also impacted each counselor and camp crew member that worked that weekend. Snowcamp changed not only the camper’s lives but also the lives of everyone involved. Getting to see the results of everyone’s hard work and prayers was incredibly stunning to witness. Getting to see kid’s lives change and being a part of that is something that will not easily be forgotten. SnowCamp 2017
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