Q4 Ohio Matters 2024


Over 250 registrants joined the Ohio Chamber of Commerce at the Columbus Renaissance Hotel in November to hear and discuss numerous issues related to healthcare. The Chamber’s 2024 Health- care Transformation Summit, now in its third year under presenting sponsor CVS Health, unites policymakers and stakehold- ers for several panel and keynote discus- sions on timely healthcare matters. Kicking off the event, Director Judi French of the Ohio Department of Insurance and Director LeeAnne Cornyn of the Ohio De-

partment of Mental Health and Addiction Services regaled the crowd with their offices’ initia - tives and priorities. Director French detailed her department’s customer service tools to help Ohioans navigate costs and terms of their insurance policies, while Director Cornyn discussed OhioRISE, which keeps kids with severe mental health issues in the state and ensures coordi- nated care services under Medicaid. Panel discussions throughout the day included the proliferation of GLP-1 medications, contin- ued telehealth availability, healthcare workforce challenges, and wellness best practices for employers. Lunch keynote Joshua Fredell, VP and Head of PBM and Specialty Product Inno- vation for CVS Health, offered a presentation on maximizing the potential of biosimilars. The closing legislative panel of State Senator Steve Huffman, State Representative Bride Rose Sweeney, and State Representative Adam Holmes covered many topics, including

upcoming state operating budget constraints, Medicaid reimburse- ment levels, healthcare workforce deficits, and behavioral health chal - lenges. The Ohio Chamber looks forward to producing another highly successful healthcare summit and will soon be- gin to brainstorm future panel topics and keynotes for 2025. Feel free to email Ohio Chamber SVP of Government Affairs Rick Carfagna with any content suggestions at rcarfagna@ohiochamber.com.

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