Two crazy investments.
Imagine that a piece of property was being sold for several thousand dollars, but you knew that a massive vein of gold ran through it. You’d do anything to find a way to buy it because that would be a crazy good investment! Now imagine spending decades saving up money to buy a bottle of air. That would a crazy foolish investment! The truth is, you will experience one of these two scenarios. You will either invest your life in something of infinite value or throw it away chasing after the wind. Jesus spoke of giving up everything for eternal rewards that can never be lost (Matthew 13:44). He also warned against giving up everything for nothing in return (Luke 12:16-21). My friends, be sure to spend your very limited time, energy and resources seeking first the Kingdom of God rather than bottled air. Life seems long, but it’s extremely short at best. So make the right kind of crazy investment every day!
Mark Strout
The two things I love the most about my job are the people I work with (they really are like family!) and getting to serve and work with students. The Lord changes lives here and it is the sweetest thing to be part of that! I began my position with the Student Services Desk in the fall of 2012 and to be honest, I didn’t really know what I was good at or what I enjoyed doing. I learned very quickly that I love details, variety and helping people. My job is full of all of those things! Even during the moments when I think I can’t possibly handle one more logistic, the Lord’s grace is sufficient every day for the tasks He places before me.
Caroline Thompkins
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