Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2020

C o n n e c t e d THROUGH AND THROUGH

Our theme for the year ‘19 - ‘20 was “Connected”. Every student was looking forward to a year to grow in their relationships with God and others, especially with that theme. We moved in and began life like any other year at the Bible Institute. We all counseled at Snowcamp together, rallied around our sports teams, spent all night at Reverb with a group of people we barely knew, poured into and encouraged one another. Being in this incredible and unique environment, we all became like a family very quickly. Strangers became my closest friends. Things changed suddenly and drastically after the second semester, when we weren’t able to finish out the year on campus. I know we were all devastated that we didn’t say ‘goodbye’ to a lot of our close friends, as we thought we would be returning after spring break. As life forcibly slowed down, and we became acquainted with online learning, and as we spent time in God’s word, each of us began to look at God’s faithfulness in a whole new light. I, personally, surrendered all of my expectations for the year and leaned back into the loving arms of a faithful Savior. I placed my hope in the only thing that can’t ever be taken away from me. The Lord, who is over all the sickness, death, separation and sadness. All of my plans that I was trying so desperately to hold on to slipped through my arms and I had nothing left but Him and His Word. Our daily routine at Word of Life may have changed in an unexpected way, but our ability to connect, share, encourage, hold and be held accountable, grow and change is not dependent on where we are or who we are with. Our tomorrow is not promised, but when we live for Jesus; eternity is! Two verses that have been very encouraging to me lately have been Psalms 73:23-28 and John 13:7. This year, although certainly did not end how any of us expected, is still effective for furthering Christ’s kingdom. I specifically want to encourage everyone to appreciate each moment you have in life, make the most of your time with people and never think for a second that anything is wasted. Our God redeems.

All for His Glory, Alana Jewers, Yearbook


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