Jolume Number One
The Three Rules For ·success In Witnessing 1. Keep yourself 0'1t of sight 2. Keep yourself f'Urther out of sight 3. Keep yourself still further out of sight "For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God" Colossians 3:3. * ** * We speak and sing over the Bible Institute Hour or a man vho was born in an obscure Tillage. He never wrote a book. He never held an office. He never vent to college. He never traveled more than 2JO miles from the place where He vas born. He never did any of the things that US1J8111' acompan:y greatness. Yet, nineteen Vide centuries have cane am gone and today He is the centerpiece or the h'Olllan race and the leader of the colt111111 ot progress. We are far within the mark vhen ve say that all the armies that ever were built, and all the parliaments that eyer sat, am all the kings that ever reigned, pnt together, have not affected the life of man upon this earth as powerfully as has that one solitary lire•••• Jesus Christ•••• cmr Lord and Saviour! * ** * "Many accept the Cross or Christ••••• but reject the CHRIST OF THE CROSS.'" * ** *
SELECTlll> POEM> There are so many people we meet f'ran day to day, When asked it they are Christians am on the narrow way, "I hope so," or •r trust so," this is the answer giTeD. But, oh my :t'riem, •tis not the 1d.JX1 that asBtires you of Heaven. Again scme people tell us to church they do belong, They think that this a Christian makes, But, oh my friends, they're vrong. For unless your :name's recorded in the Book of Lire in Heaven, A thousand churches you may join and still be mif'orgiven. So now, Jq f'riems, be honest, and look into yovr soul. Are all your sins forgiven, does Jesus you whole? •1 hope ao," or •r trust so," at J-c:.igment will not do. Salvation with a know-so, God vaits to give to you. * • * * * Couecration makes no room for reservation! * * * * * What do you say friends: •no time to pray?" 'Mld each day's danger, What retreat more needful Than the Marcy Seat? Who need not i:ray? No time to pray? Must care or business• urgent call, So press us as to talce it all passing day? What thought more drear that our God His face shoUl.d hide, And say through all life's swelling tide "No time to hear."
' :,~ When it seems hardest to }lr'ay••• }lr'ay the ·. ·; , .~:st:. ' f . Same people use th8ir Christianity like ., . ·' silvar •••• only when cani:eny comes. : ·) * ** * f.J.: Daniel chose rather to spend a night in :~: , . a lion's den than to go through the day , . vi th oat prayer. ' ·) A hearse is : ~ :hic;e to start going'. ) to church in. Why vai t? · · : . ' .: * ** * .: A sign for churches: "Be square all the :, .: , . veek, then be 'round on Sunday." · . . · * ** * .: Untold Millions are dying••••••••• UNTOIDf,.~ * ** * ·, ":;The branches that bear the most fruit ••• ··;·. ·· hang the lowest. : / * ** * :p:)Moet Christians are like pianos: grand, :, .} upright, square, and are no good unless · · ,, in tune vi th Heaven. : ·. Wot onfy should*ve :: G~ •s band in 'i . )evezything, but ve should leave every - :, .: ~: ::-:::h in th• vorld ·' .'but remember •••• Satan seeks to put the :'; . vorld in the church. ·. ··. fi * ff * , .. :The quickest vay to get on your feet is :.~ to get on your knees. l ; YOt;!! FAVCRITE SEN!'EtEE S.mMONS ' thing* in :.od IS* hand• . . :f; God digs the vell of j07•••••deep with ',;God a•Oka to
~] FAVCRITE ILLUSTRATIOR> RJOOEm'LY HEARD In a r ecent newspaper article, I r ead: "A young man once fo1lnd a f i ve-dollar bill in the street. Fram t hat time on, he never lifted his eyes while walking. In the course of years, he acc-amulated 29,516 buttons, 54,172 pins, twel ve cents, a bent back and a miserly dispo– sition. He lost the glory of the sun– light, the sheen of the stars, the smiles of friends, tree blossoms in the spring, the blue skies, and the entire joy or living. n ~-' You kn«M, lll&lJY people today look to this earth for satisfaction, pleasure, wealth and happiness, and have never looked to Jesus Christ for eternal life. They neglect salvation, the greatest of all gifts. "For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his CMn soul?" : -· * ** * i Millions have heard the name of Leonardo da Vinci and thousands ha~ seen this fllll008 artist's most popular creation, i "The Last Supper. n Many years ago, when da Vinci had finished putting the last bit of paint on the canvas, he invited in one or his closest frienis to see it. Viewing it, the friem gasped: "Why, vhat a beautif'Ul. goblet in the hands of Christ?" Hearing this, da Vinci picked up his palette and with one firm stroke of the hand, blotted out the goblet from the picture, exclaiming, "I would have you see nothing except the face of Christ!" It 'a time we as Christians to– day came to the realization that we are the world's only image of Christ, am there must be nothing in our 11ves to mar the perfect vision of the Saviour. "Looking to Jesus, the Author and Fin - isher of our faith." /LY!
SPECIAL FAVORITES We hear a lot about good mixers the•e da7a, but vhat ve reall7 need are some good ae:paratora. ~ ** ~ mm WAS LID•••••• Into the Vilderneea to be tempted of the devil. By' aen filled vith vrath to the brow of a hill, that they might cast Him down headlong. J.vay to J.nnaa and Caiaphas; then to the Council of the Elders. Forceful.17 to Pontius Pilate and into th• Hall of Jmgm.ent. Yes, He vas led also as a sheep to the slaughter to be crucified. But, are YOU villing to be led by Him?? * ** * If Christ is on the outside••••••••• some– thing ia wrong on the inside. * ** * FCR GOCID EXAMPL!S If you're a policy man•••• consult Daniel. If you're getting lasy•••••••vatch James. If your faith is below :par •••••read Paul. If there is no song in your heart ••••• listen to David. If you're getting sordid ••• ~ •••••••••• spem awhile vith Isaiah. If you're getting veek-kneed •••••••••• take a look at Kl.ijah. If you're getting a little bit head– strong•••• go to see Moses. I:f' you are impatient•••••••• sit dOlorD quietly and have a talk with Job. If you•re losing sight of the future •••• climb up to Revelation arrl get a glimpse of the promised land. * ** * Jesus Died ••••••••• that•s history. JESUS DIED FCR ME••••THAT 1 5 FAITH! * ** *
This special edition or the BIOLA BROADCASTER has been prepared fcrr those or you who have recently written to the Bible Institute Hour. It is our little gesture or appreciation f crr the bless– ing ve have received from reading your cO?Tesponience. · ""-\JI/ PLEASE PR A Y 1 -~ ~Each day at one o'clock, the Radio ·;:; ~epartment gathers together to '::remember the needs or our great family of listeners. If you vould like to share this time with us in your banes, let us know.
If you have a particular prayer· re– quest, let us know, and we will be happy to add it to our prayer list. Don't Ml•• the ..BIBLE INSTITlJTE BOVR" Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:30 A.M. t::aUfornla CWco - KHSL - 1290 El Centro - KXO - 1230 F--KYN0-1300 Nevada Reno - KATO - 1340 Ore If on
Albany - KWIL -1240 Ashland-KWIN-1400 Astoria - KAST - 1370 Bend-KBND-1110 Coos Bay - KOOS - 1230 Eugene - KORE - 1450 Grants Pass - KUIN - 1340 Portland-KWJJ-1080 Roseburg - KRNR -1490 Salem - KSLM - 1390 WashlnJ(ton Aberdeen - KXRO - 1320 Bellingham - KPUG - 1170 Centralia - KELA- 1470 Everett - KRKO - 1380 Longview - KWLK - 1400 Olympia - KGY - 1240 Seattle - KVI - 570 Spokane - KNEW - 790 Walla Walla - KUJ - 1420 Wenatchee - KWNW - 1340 Yaklmo- KYAK-1400
Loo Angeles - KHJ - 930 Marynllle- KMYC -1410 Merced - KYOS - 1480 Paso Robles - KPRL - 1230 Redding - KVCV - 600 Sacramento - KCRA - 1320 Sallnas - KSBW - 1380 San Bernardino - KFXM - 590 San Diego - KGB - 1360 San Froncisco - KFRC - 610 San Luis Oblspo-KVEC-920 Sonta Ana - KVOE - 1480 Santa Barbara - KDB - 1490 Stockton - KXOB - 1280 Tulare - KCOK - 1270 Wasco- KWSO- 1050 Idaho Coeur d'Alene-KVNI -1240 Lewiston - KRLC - 1350 Wallace - KWAL - 620
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