"CVI and AAC: Using Objects"

In summary, the expertise brought by the TVI and the AAC in- terventionist should be used in tandem to establish the best in- tervention strategies for children with CVI. There is still so much to learn in both areas but collaboration is key! 0nline resources and classes are available in gaining more information in both areas. REFERENCES Haddon, L. A. (2011). Visual Strategies for Improving Commu- nication: Practical Supports for Autism Spectrum Disorders, Troy, MI Nielsen, L. S., Skov, L., &Jensen, H. (2007). Visual dysfunctions and ocular disorders in children with developmental delay. I. Prevalence, diagnoses and etiology of visual impairment. Acta Opthalmologica Scandinavia, 85(2), 149-156. Don:10.1111/j. 1600-0420.2006.00867. Cortical visual impairment: Symptoms & Causes: Boston Chil- dren’s Hospital. (N.d.). Retrieved March 25, 2021, from https:// www.childrenshospital.org/conditions-and-treatments/condi- tions/c/cortical-visual-impairment/symptoms-ands-causes Cortical Visual Impairment: An Approach to Assessment and Intervention, 2nd ed. (2018) Roman-Lantzy, C., Louisville, KY: APH Rowland, C., & Schweigert, P. (2000). Tangible Symbols, Tan- gible Outcomes. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 16, 61-78. RESOURCES Adaptivation Inc. www.adaptivation.com Perkins School for the Blind. https://www.perkins.org Praaticalaac.or

Children with CVI benefit from “back up” communication during times when other factors preclude them from using their vision to the fullest. Environmental factors such as visual clutter, time of day and complexity of the activity are just a few of the factors that can lead to visual fatigue. During times of fatigue, stu- dents benefit from using simple AAC technologies and commu- nication devices. Such devices include Adaptivation’s Sequencer, Randomizer and Medley which can easily be incorporated into lit- eracy and play activities. These devices accommodate real objects and offer voice output.

Adaptivation’s Sequencer, Randomizer and Medley.


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