Nick Roney - Membership & Corporate Manager
Your membership extends further than just the HR advice, industry lobbying or support through government services that the Tasmanian Hospitality Association team provide, it can also provide savings to your business and staff. Our corporate partners are great supporters of the hospitality industry and offer a wide range of benefits to members. This support can be via dedicated service teams, exclusive prices and products, or specialised advice and knowledge to name just a few. We continue to look for corporate partners who can support you in your business and provide support to the varying needs of hospitality businesses. There are many members who have been able to save more than their membership fee each year, and in these challenging times it will be come more of a focus of the membership team to make sure all members are aware of the benefits they can access. Oneof themaincosts tobusiness is thecost of electricity, and through our corporate partner Energy ROI we have been able to negotiate a rate for THA Members to help reduce these costs. In addition to being able to access the negotiated rate members have access to experts who can provide guidance and practical suggestions on ways to reduce your electricity usage. These saving can quickly build up, and more often than not become thousands of dollars of savings each year for your business. Accessing these rates is as easy as contacting the membership team on 03 6220 7300 and we will arrange for someone at Energy ROI to contact you and provide an estimate of what they can save your business.
The savings aren’t always just for the business, with some of our partners extending offers to you and your staff. Recently we partnered with StLukes Health who have offered an 8% discount for THA members and employees on corporate productsø with payment by direct debit. This partnership will not only help save you money, but provides your businesswith away to reward staff based on your membership. We are excited the team at StLukes have come on board and look forward to connecting our members with them to help reduce costs. We will continue to partner with business who can provide our members with savings, support or services. If you have costs in your business that you would like support with please contact us as it will help us ensure we have corporate partners who suit the different types of businesses our members operate. We already have a couple of exciting partnerships coming on line in the next 2 months, an exclusive on premise wine for members (at a fantastic members only price), a fuel offer for you and your staff to save, as well as many other cost saving partnerships. If youhaven’t accessedour corporatepartners orwould like to know more about ways they can help reduce your cost or make business easier please contact me on 0439 119 343 or and I can work with you on how these partners can best support your business. ø The discount cannot be combined with other discounts available under other arrangements between St.LukesHealth and other alliance partners.
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