Cannapages Sep/Oct 2023 Edition - Denver/Boulder/Slopes

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Dispatches from the Highlands

News from CannaTown SEPT-OCT 2023

Vol 10. Edition 5

$4.20 Cents


********* A startled Scott Sutton of Shwagberry may or may not know why he has been booked, but he has soiled himself - full story pg B17 "e way Scott just looks into your soul, it's pure evil. He's planning something dirty."

Deals In Your Area! Local Maps, Page 16 A group of scientists grew a brain in a petri dish, then coaxed eyes to grow, until nally, it could search for bud. See Petri Dish................ ...........Page 10 Lab Brain Jones'in Petri Dish, Page 10 Unsparked J Found Owner Sought, Page 8 If no owner can be found, the rolled ower will go through a series of ap- peals to see who gets to keep it. See Owner Sought .....................Page 8 CP GIVEAWAYS VISIT OR USE THE QR BELOW ENTER UP TO ONCE PER DAY WIN THE HOTTEST Vapes, Bongs & Rigs! It cannot be overstated how much better your chances are of winning this than any lottery that exists today. Go Enter! Cannasaver Coupons Store Specials, Page 43

How to Break a Record Brother Oliver, Page 14 Cannapages speaks with Brother Oliver & company about their new documenta- ry covering a marathon mandolin record. See Brother Oliver ....................Page 14 Pong Tourney Returns SportScene, Page 12 When the Pong online server died, citizens did their best to recreate the popular game using board & paddles. See SportScene..... ...................Page 12 Carpenter To Physicist Discovery, Page 11 A local wood-worker made a scientic discovery in his workshop by accident. See Discovery. ..........................Page 11 Kickballer Sidelined Chuggy Rickets, Page 15 Weekly CannaScopes See Fortunes, Page 9 CannaSaver TM Today’s Coupons feature:

DENVER & BOULDER CANNABIS LISTINGS Addresses, Phone by Categories: Dispensaries . . . . . . . . . . 19 VapeShops ........... 36 GlassShops ........... 37 Kratom/Herbal . . . . . . . . . 39 Doctors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Hemp/CBD........... 40

Lucy Sky Denver Page 91

ree Rivers Denver Page 93

Plantern 20% O Grow Pod Page 42

21+ Tourist? Recreational Shops Listings on Page 19! FIND DOCTORS, GET MED CARD pg 40 **** SAVE BIG WITH COUPONS pg 43

Page 8

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Cannatown News Unsparked J Found at Holcombe & Grand

An unsparked spli found at the intersection of Holcombe and Grand Avenues in Roacheo has itself sparked a quest to nd its rightful owner, and, in the chance of its true orphanage, the rightful person who should otherwise spark it themselves. Although mum at rst, it wasn't long before news of the aban-

e Highest Authority Since 2009

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doned doobie had reached the locals by storm, with a plurality of the suburb's citizens jamming switchboards by phone to lay claim to the J for days. It was locked away and heavily-guarded, 24-7. e rst at the scene had been Bartelby Jones, a town gossip who happened to “nd” the spli at the corner Tuesday morning at the bus stop. Another laying claim to the pre-roll, Vincent McGillicu- ty, says the bus stop is in front of his house and therefore the item of interest is likely from his stash. And yet another, Esmerelda Cutler, led a formal request for custody of the spli, even though she’s never been to this side of town and is only visiting for Roach- Fest this weekend from Steem's Point. ere were plenty others. “Obviously somebody out there is probably pretty concerned about this little spli,” Cheef Ocer Caititia Pendleton initially reported. “Everyone can see, it’s extra plump. And stanky.” e Save the Spli campaign did very poorly as far as recruit- ment, until changing name to Save the Spli for Me . e move- ment quickly amassed one hundred thousand followers, each eager to smake the joint only to themselves despite its girth. e city and particularly, its council, have also laid claim to the rolled ower. Friday, a local magistrate claried that any entity could be appointed legal guardian and keeper of the joint by the city judicial system, and in doing so, announced that he would undertake such a laborious burden. An immediate appeal to an even higher court led to a decision that all those in the vicinity could partake together of said joint, if consumed equally in a circle--a decision well-received by all parties. An even higher ap- pellate decision will determine who has legal right to spark of it. OTHER HEADLINES Cannabis growers race to prep for next work-at-home year "It's means a ton of smaking! We've gotta grow a lot, fast." pg 150 Jeopardy! in hot water for conjuring ery quakes pg 157 Streaming service for ants goes belly-up pg 166 Dollar Store now Dollar Eighty-Five pg 171 **Brought to you by Genuine Pants** “Old school, new school, we got your pants.”

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Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publica- tion may be reproduced or reprinted without expressed written consent of the publishers. Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of these listings and their inclusion. Cannapages does not accept responsibility or liability for any omissions or errors.

Vol 10. Edition 5

News from CannaTown

Page 9

CANNASCOPES : Discover Your Fortune! Aries - You'd be mostly OK with having to re- turn to work if it wasn't for that morning poop. Taurus - Your gym will totally understand you canceling the membership, seeing as they’ve seen you a total of no times. Gemini - You were hoping the technician would be able to x your blue tooth, but apparently you actually need an oral surgeon. Cancer - As you blow your candles out, you'll pose for a sele with your only remaining post- pandemic pals: your bong, dab rig, and Sherlock. Leo - You were all excited about your new semi truck until you realized, woah, it takes a special license to drive these things! Virgo - O in the distance, thunder. You’re sitting alone, in the dark, across from a Snickers bar. And things are about to get real bad for the Snickers. What Came to Pass News in Brief Cannatown Upgrades to Chimp-Fiber Cannatown City Council has entered a memo- randum of understanding with Marmotech Inc., to install the city's new ber optic net- work. But some critics say that choosing the cheapest bid will come back to haunt the town in the future. One of the loudest critics, Moe's Telecom President, Moe Torola, noted that the economy-priced service is actually chimp- ber, or, in layman's terms, a low, 1G network installed by chimpanzees. "While the price is right, we should be asking ourselves, do we entrust something of this magnitude to mon- keys?" he asked at the city council meeting. To which Councilman Verne Jacobs answered, "We don't know. We wouldn't know the dier- ence between handing this gigantic project to a team of snarky teenagers, or, super-smiley chimps in suits, all of whom appear com- pletely potty trained and ready to work." e upgrade is due within the next decade.

Libra - You'll know you're getting old when your freaky sneeze makes the children cry. Scorpio - e cicadas' death will bring upon a glorious autumn silence until your neighbor loses his mind and gets out the theremin. Sagittarius - At rst you'll feel guilt for acci- dentally running the creature over, until you realize, it's that bastard faun who betrayed your family. Capricorn - You thought it’d be easy to co- ordinate activities for the seniors, but they’re growing real bored of Rock Paper Scissors. Aquarius - Although amazed by your sudden engineering, your spouse won’t take kindly to having their CPAP machine into an eBong. Pisces - e munchkins’ chant from your dream, “Giblets, Goblets and Goo!” will haunt you as you ride into town, terried of what awaits you next.

New Driving School Closes Indenitely pE7

Stories in Today’s Other Sections

Pippi Longstocking crypto turns YOLO'd fortunes into pan-cakeys ......................... E2 Fuzzy Wuzzy Jr. completes MBA, starts hair club for bears ........................................... F6 Parkour robots gang up on lone Roomba ....... ................................................................... G13 OnlyFans unveils "MySpace Mode"......... H1

Page 10

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Cannatown Science


Organoids are tiny organs grown in labs by scientists using stem cells, with the purpose of eventually being used in medicine--or at least, super-cool horror movies. Now a team of scientists have taken it to a new level with “Luther,” a large cranial organoid who has grown “optic cups,” and a tiny mouth-hole. Even more dazzling, the celebrity specimen already seems familiar with the concept, and search for, kind bud.

room, serenely resting whenever they came to a nearby cannabis plant. “is brain is jones’n pretty hard," wrote Willy Finket, associate researcher. Later on, Finket led the charge to move the growing brain mass into a large tank; although meant to be airtight by design and lled with puried saline solution, it wasn’t long before it resembled a neglected aquari- um, 75% full of algae and garbage. Still, an at- tached camera was able to catch the organoid depress-

ingly knocking itself against the glass each time the scientists powered up their eNails to dab. Finally, aer the brain seemed to shut down in a depressive state for several months, the researchers devised a new experiment,

"e mammalian brain depends on nerve bers made of retinal ganglion cells, reaching out to connect and transmit information, something we’ve never witnessed in an in vitro system," Barbara Zrjkle of University Hospital Istanbowl told Dispatches. “And this one is clearly searching for some stanky dank.” RIght from the start, the tiny, the human- oid eye bubbles, attached by goopy bers, began looking to land a satchel, according to scientists on the scene, whose report was recently published in National Science Bee. Luther’s optic cups watched with curiosity as the researchers smaked splis during breaks, “ever the more intensely when the joint was passed right in front of him, eectively skipping him in the circle.” e globules continued to glance furtively all over the

in which the tank was converted to a large gravity bong, forcing the scientists’ gigantic plumes through the organoid’s opaque solution. e optic cups, which by then had grown to full size, turned a bloodshot red, while the mouthhole, still a pinprick, turned up at the corners in what could only be described as a “puerile grin.” e results were considered immaterial at rst, until the faint bubbles, or tiny boops coming from the miniscule mouth, were re- corded and edited into full sounds, and then, words. “When pitch-corrected to resemble a real coherent person, it turns out little Luther is speaking what sounds like Italian!” Zrjkle concluded. “Nobody’s been able to translate it yet, but he sure is happy!” “From what we do understand, he also keeps asking for pizza pie,” she said.

Vol 10. Edition 5

News from CannaTown

Page 11

Cannatown Science


In high school shop class, Frank Donners oen got high marks for acciden- tal demonstration of subatomic principles such as gravity and polarity, through many falls and egregious misuse of large magnets. So it wasn’t com- pletely surprising that the 34-year-old Bowlington man accidentally stumbled onto a major breakthrough in the study of light and electromagnetic waves, when, on a random whim, he gured out how to stop light beams in their tracks

Frank Donners, far right, has made a breakthrough in the eld of subatomic physics.

while sitting at his own garage workbench. Even more interesting, the woodworker- cum-physicist was able to accomplish the feat with a mediocre 6-foot 2x4. “e light is completely reduced to a shadow, we believe, due to the opacity of the wood,” he announced to peers in the science community via nonviral video last week. Donner says he was cheeng in his garage laboratory when he came across the strange behavior of certain light waves. “It was if they were suspended in beams, coming from my window, and in these beams I could see the actual oating light particles, especially moreso when I kicked up a bunch of sawdust into it.” It was aer a few piles of sawdust that he suddenly had an epiphany. Following his recovery from a terrible coughing spell, Don- ners managed to snag a nearby framing stud and axed it to the workbench barclamp. en, he sat back to observe the magic. Sure enough, the light, acting as a particle, could not bend, and was totally blocked by the lum- ber, creating a dark shadow on the ground. It was, appropriately, a ground-breaking moment.

“Matilda!” he yelled to his wife, over and over, until the whole family came to observe the phenomenon. e discovery, which brought him acclaim and series of research grants, is now cata- logued in his forthcoming book, “e Block of Light,” which immediately skyrocketed to the top 349,617 on Amazon. Donners, a self-taught carpenter by trade, learned much of what he knows from studying social media outlets and his own intuition. Always drawn to the mysteries of the quantum universe, he is best known among friends for "feats of science," such as "freezing light" by shining a ashlight into an ice-cube tray, and on one occasion, "holding a light particle" suspended in space, between two chopsticks while at the local Chinese buet. Now, energized by his own momen- tum and growing recognition, Donners plans several successive experiments, such as testing whether a groundhog could see its shadow on Groundhog’s Day, by studying his ability to see his own shadow. "I think we all can agree there's gonna be a shadow," he says. "e question that haunts me, is why ?

Page 12

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Cannatown Sports County-Wide Pong Tournament to Continue Aer Brief Tech Snafu Pong, the popular original video game, where two play- ers use vertical sticks to hit a ball over a third, longer, middle stick, has gained its lionshare of cult followers over the year, partially thanks to the legend, learnability, and superior graphics the game oers. But a city-wide Atari- based tournament of the game seemed doomed when none of the hosting venue’s TV’s had

completely analog version of the original Pong game. "It's almost like it's the real deal, only on a green board with these chubby little paddles," gloated long-time Pong enthu- siast Deondra Mills. "e hardest part is, that middle line is 3D, and like, six inches tall." e tournament, which ocially resumes in Wayward William Park tomorrow, was almost cancelled due to rain. "But unlike old-fashioned Pong," said Mills, "you can use an umbrella. It's really an amazing feeling."

accommodating ports for the aged gaming machines. en, when a server hosting the online version of the game went down, event organizers scrambled to nd a method of competition for the tournament’s estimated 420 competitors, some of whom had traveled from as far away as Resinville and Steem Desert Springs. Now the city says they've found away around the hiccups of technology, with a Chiefers' Quarterback Saga Comes to Bittersweet Pause e sports world is taking a brief pause from discussing former MVP and quarterback of the Cannatown Chiefers, Braggerton Butts. e pre-season drama that saw him sharing blunts with other teams, guest-hosting on the show What's at ingy? , and live-streaming with wife, actress Beverly Firmnugget, came to a climax of sorts when a very high Butts drove his Impala nearly 500 miles to throw raw sh in the yard of a television critic -- only to nd that it was an out-dated address. News of "e Fishening," which aected a poor elderly couple and their tragically sh-allergic yorkshire ter- rier--all of them, Chiefers fans--spread quickly,

resulting in what Butt's

lawyers would later call a full league blackout due to the in- cident. But the media instead points to Butt's new contract, cemented last week, for the sudden break. "It's just been so dramatic, it's

kind of nice to talk about another quarterback's life," said CT Sports Anchor Casper Ronson.

Vol 10. Edition 5

News from CannaTown

Page 13

Cannatown Sports

Performance-Dehancing Substance Use Sidelines Kickballer

Fans were shocked community-wide to hear that Peewee Henderson, captain of the local cadet kickball team e Chuggy Rickets, has been kicked o the team following allegations of using the performance-dehancing substance, cannabis. Kadet Kickball, a sport in which the worst team wins, has banned canna- bis, physical blindfolding, and any other method of dehancing one's perfor-

Peewee Henderson, center with ball, likely out for rest of the season by technicality.

mance, since the doping scandal of '69, a year in which not a single point was scored across the league. "It's a shame,” said coach Phillup Mabole, “Henderson was already just the worst. He really didn't need a boost." Leading the league in fouls and causing triple plays, the notoriously-clumsy Hender- son almost always struck out, or tripped his way to the bases. But critics say that pung likely attributed to his all-star space-out, excess weight from munchies, shortness of breath, penchant for accidentally running backwards, limited willpower and loss of drive--all which would dehance perfor- mance, as is controversially believed. "Ahem, with 100% condence, smaking is detrimental to performance in the classical sense and no one of sound mind would think otherwise," said cannabinoids professor Elaine Goodman of Cannatown University, "unless that person was completely unedu- cated and unfamiliar with the entire concept of cannabis." Likewise, commentary from above was tell- ingly brief. "Rules is rules," shrugged league president, Shmoe Shmiden. Crushed, Henderson burned through a half-wax-half-Cookies blunt by himself and

couldn't be reached for comment. But several players agreed to speak only under the veil of anonymity. "ing is most of us cheef all the time, it's the only way to play my absolute silliest," said one. “It's nothing compared to those dudes in the National Flower League (NFL) or National Bud Association (NBA),” said another. If you didn't have players smaking kind bud,” warned a coaching sta member, “there would be no such thing such thing as Kadet Kickball." e full saga of Henderson’s demise has been unfolding since earlier in the year. Um- pires were rst suspicious of his insistence on running around the bases twice per point-- each time, skipping around the shortstop. He oen le his centereld post to buy hotdogs. And there was the incident wherein huge gunks of peanut butter kept appearing on the kickball, allegedly from his signature moc- casin shoe, which was later found covered in ants in the locker room. A formal investiga- tion was launched aer the ballplayer suited up in a sumo wrestling suit to kick the ball, and tackled the pitcher instead of running for rst base. “Only in a sport where losers win, would can- nabis even be an issue,” concluded Goodman.

Page 14

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Brother Oliver has been growing in visibility over the last decade, with their catchy psych-folk rock. eir latest feat is not an eclectic album however, but a forthcoming documentary that captures an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for man- dolin playing. We spoke with star musician Stephen Oliver, his bandmate, brother and director Andrew, as well as co-director Dan Johnson, about a lm that digs into the nitty gritty of setting a goal so equally impossible and absurd (and awesome). Find the full interview on

Vol 10. Edition 5

News from CannaTown

Page 15

Do you feel like you've ever done something of this magnitude before? Andrew Oliver (AO): What made this project so intense is that not only were we producing a feature lm, but we were also trying to simul- taneously break a world record. Logistically, one of those alone would’ve been enough to keep our hands full by itself. So doing them in tandem created an insane level of intensity, and honestly raised the stakes dramatically because we had the public counting on us to succeed, but also a ton of nances tied into the success of the attempt for the lm, too. Dan Johnson (DJ): I was fortunate enough to hear Brother Oliver play live back on what I believe was April Fool’s Day, 2017. If you watch the lm, you’ll hear the song that hooked me at the end of their set. Aer that I basically started throwing my photographer self at them. My work clicked with them, and over time we just slowly morphed into inner circle friends and business partners. To me this is just a natural next step to the progres- sion we have been on so far. Stephen Oliver (SO): e moment we walked out of the news station it hit me like a bag of bricks. is isn’t going to be easy, and the likelihood of failure was probably higher than success. All eyes were on us and we had to succeed for ourselves and everyone else. is project had an impact on a level I didn’t fully understand until aer the fact. Did you unearth a 'community' of similar record-breakers or other mandolin players that really get jazzed about the records? SO: I discovered that the Guinness World Record book carries a lot of nostalgia for people. So the “cool” factor of a world record is one thing, but the nostalgia people have from reading the book as a kid was another thing. I’ve had countless people tell me their stories of reading the book as a child and how they always imagined their names being in the book (I had the same experience as a child). e guy who held the record that I broke, Kuntal Raj Chakrabortty, is from India. And from what I can tell, India loves world records. I think it culturally means a lot to them, more so than here in the US. Kuntal became aware

of my record attempt during the attempt. He was very supportive of me which meant a lot because the record clearly meant a lot to him. I have since developed a friendship with Kuntal and we have a bond as the only people in the world to understand the diculty of playing a mandolin longer than anyone else in history. Breaking a world record is never easy. It oen takes a team and an inhuman level of mental toughness. ere’s a bit of a “freak show” element to world records so I think they will always interest people. How has the lm -- and the quest in general -- circled back to aect your musical careers? AO: It’s something that’s so outside of the box. As a band, people expect an album or some singles and a handful of tour dates. But we wanted to try and break the traditional mold and do something totally beyond the scope of what’s considered ‘normal’. But we also did it for ourselves. It was something we thought would be fullling on a personal level, and so that’s what drove us. You had to act in all capacities (stars, produc- ers, etc.). Did that make things harder? Or did it feel more like a better sense of control? DJ: My younger brother watched the lm when it was nearly nalized, and had to jab me with “do you think you could put your name in the credits a couple more times?” He was clearly just jealous, but I think that speaks to how we took on this project. All of us handled multiple large roles in order to keep the lm in our hands, and I don’t think we would rather have done it any other way. I will say though that the world record attempt itself was not just us. at took an incredible amount of eort from our friends, family, and fans to pull o. Did you ever feel the lm was about to fail, or you'd bitten o more than you could chew? DJ: ere’s one moment you’ll see where Ste- phen just stares blankly at some bad news on the screen and doesn’t blink or move for what feels like an eternity. ose moments of fear ended up being a huge part of the story and of what made the whole thing so special to us. Find trailer and release dates for the Brother Oliver lm at

Boulder, Denver, & Surrounding Areas + Mountain Slopes Find the closest dispensary to you online at KEY: DISPENSARIES


Berkeley Dispensary 5398 Sheridan Blvd .................................................................................. Arvada 720-310-8057 Blu Dog 1020 E Durant Ave 101 ..................................................................................................... Aspen 888-575-1967 Dalwhinnie Farms 108 S Mill Street ............................................................................................... Aspen 970-429-8830 Green Dragon 409 E. Hyman Ave .................................................................................................. Aspen 970-429-4365 Jars Cannabis 720 E Durant Ave E-1 .............................................................................................. Aspen 970-925-6468 Native Roots 308 S. Hunter St ........................................................................................................ Aspen 970-429-4443 Roots RX 400 E Hyman Ave A102 ................................................................................................. Aspen 970-900-9333 SILVERPEAK 520 E Cooper Ave 202....................................................... Aspen 970-925-4372 see ad on page 97 - cannasavers page 79 The Green Joint 720 E Durant Ave E-3 .......................................................................................... Aspen 970-710-2657 Altitude 10455 East Colfax Avenue ...............................................................................................Aurora 303-343-0166 Colorado Harvest Company 11002 East Yale Avenue, Unit A .....................................................Aurora 720-535-9489 Emerald Fields 503 Havana St ......................................................................................................Aurora 720-669-3571 Good Chemistry 16840 East Iliff Avenue .......................................................................................Aurora 303-745-2420 Green Dragon 19151 East Quincy Avenue ..........................................................................................Aurora 303-400-1451 15225 E 6th Ave ...............................................................................................................Aurora 720-458-6950 Jars (Buckley) 4343 South Buckley Road, Unit E .................................................................Aurora 303-680-1016 (Southland) 6260 South Gun Club Road .......................................................................Aurora 303-766-8677 Lightshade (Iliff) 16821 East Iliff Avenue .....................................................................................Aurora 720-575-6702 Livwell 1401 Peoria Street ...........................................................................................................Aurora 303-993-7548 19201 E Colfax Ave .........................................................................................................Aurora 303-366-1077 LOVA (Aurora) 19005 E Quincy Ave ..............................................................................................Aurora 720-379-4554 Medicine Man 1901 South Havana Street .....................................................................................Aurora 303-923-3825 Rocky Road 1712 South Chambers Road .....................................................................................Aurora 720-741-2501 Star Buds 10100 E Montview Blvd ..................................................................................................Aurora 720-459-7143 14655 East Arapahoe Road, Unit A ................................................................................Aurora 303-699-1222 Terrapin Care Station 11091 East Mississippi Avenue, Suite A .......................................................................Aurora 303-954-8402 11900 East 33rd Avenue, Suite 100 ...............................................................................Aurora 303-954-8402 The Green Solution 10195 E Montview Blvd ..................................................................................................Aurora 720-689-2351 14301 E. Colfax Ave. .......................................................................................................Aurora 720-501-2372 19370 E. Quincy Ave ........................................................................................................Aurora 303-990-9723 3179 S. Peoria Ct .............................................................................................................Aurora 720-501-2370 350 S. Potomac St ...........................................................................................................Aurora 720-501-2371 XCLUSIVE CANNABIS 15200 E 6th Ave ................................................................ Aurora 720-738-4200 see ad on inside cover - cannasavers page 89 High Country Healing 40801 US-6 Ste 5 ........................................................................................ Avon 970-470-4794 Native Roots 41290 US-6 B5 .......................................................................................................... Avon 970-470-4079 Rocky Road 40928 US-6 .................................................................................................................... Avon 970-688-5633 Roots Rx 40690 US-6 E-2 .................................................................................................................. Avon 970-399-9333 Sunrise Solutions 43 Main St......................................................................................................... Bailey 303-816-6337 The Happy Camper Cannabis Company 80 Rosalie Rd ................................................................Bailey 303-816-0420 LOVA 701 E Valley Rd Unit 110 ...................................................................................................... Basalt 970-340-4680 Roots RX 165 Southside Dr ............................................................................................................ Basalt 970-539-9333 Green Tree Medicinals 1090 N. 2nd St .................................................................................... Berthoud 970-670-9120 Livwell 1015 N 2nd St ................................................................................................................ Berthoud 970-344-5060 Rocky Mountain Organics 5312 Hwy. 119 .......................................................................... Black Hawk 303-582-5032 The Green Solution 231 Gregory St ......................................................................................Black Hawk 303-990-9723 14er Holistics 2897 Mapleton Avenue 800 ................................................................................. Boulder 303-539-6525 Boulder Wellness 5420 Arapahoe Avenue F .............................................................................. Boulder 303-442-2565 Cannabis Depot 3390 28th St ....................................................................................................... Boulder 720-242-7435 Cosmic Light 5565 Arapahoe Ave ................................................................................................ Boulder 303-440-6700 DEN REC 5420 Arapahoe Ave D ................................................................................................... Boulder 303-443-0240 Eclipse Cannabis Company 933 Alpine Avenue #2 ................................................................... Boulder 720-420-0782 Elements 1534 55th Street ........................................................................................................... Boulder 303-444-0861 Emerald Fields 5190 S Boulder Rd .............................................................................................. Boulder 303-499-2898 Fresh Baked 2535 Pearl Street ..................................................................................................... Boulder 303-440-9393 Green Dragon 1750 30th Street #7 .............................................................................................. Boulder 720-446-5490




Green Dream Cannabis 6700 Lookout Rd #5 ............................................................................. Boulder 303-530-3031 Hash House 302 Pearl Street ....................................................................................................... Boulder 303-993-3066 Helping Hands Herbals 1021 Pearl Street B ............................................................................... Boulder 303-444-1564 Karing Kind 5854 Rawhide Court ................................................................................................. Boulder 303-449-9333 Magnolia Road Cannabis Company 1750 30th Street Unit 84A .......................................................................................... Boulder 720-741-6111 Maikoh Holistics 2750 Glenwood Dr. Ste 8 ................................................................................. Boulder 720-476-6805 Native Roots 1146 Pearl Street #200 ................................................................................................. Boulder 720-726-5126 845 Walnut Street .......................................................................................................... Boulder 303-459-4676 Options Cannabis 5290 Arapahoe Ave Ste J .............................................................................. Boulder 720-571-8862 Snaxland 7464 Arapahoe Avenue A9 ........................................................................................ Boulder 720-366-6615 Starbuds 1750 30th Street #12 .................................................................................................... Boulder 720-612-4382 Terrapin Care Station 1795 Folsom Street ....................................................................................................... Boulder 303-954-8402 5370 Manhattan Circle #104....................................................................................... Boulder 303-954-8402 The Farm 2801 Iris Avenue ........................................................................................................... Boulder 303-440-1323 The Health Center 537 Canyon Boulevard .................................................................................. Boulder 720-532-8664 The Republic 8401 Baseline Road ............................................................................................... Boulder 303-325-7385 The Village Green Society 2043 16th Street ............................................................................... Boulder 720-389-5726 Unity Road 1537 Pearl Street B................................................................................................... Boulder 720-287-0645 Breckenridge Organic Therapy 1900 Airport Rd #1A ........................................................ Breckenridge 970-453-0420 Green Dragon 1795 Airport Rd. #3A .................................................................................. Breckenridge 970-453-4900 Organix 1795 Airport Rd #2A ............................................................................................ Breckenridge 970-453-1340 The Dispensary 1805 Airport Rd B1C................................................................................ Breckenridge 970-389-6839 Confidential Cannabis 11640 Teller Street STE E................................................................. Broomfield 303-600-8269 Livwell 137 Nickel St ............................................................................................................... Broomfield 720-756-2385 Magnolia Road Cannabis Company 1995 W Midway Blvd .................................................. Broomfield 720-287-1362 GoodFlower in Sopris 1101 Village Rd UL-4B ......................................................................Carbondale 970-340-4474 High Q 303 Main St .................................................................................................................Carbondale 970-510-3067 Medical Marijuana Center of Carbondale 60 N 3rd St. #300 ................................................................................................... Carbondale 970-510-5229 Tumbleweeds 304 CO 133 ......................................................................................................Carbondale 970-510-3065 Igadi 171 Lawrence St ............................................................................................................ Central City 303-582-3093 RMO Dispensary 161 Gregory St .......................................................................................... Central City 303-582-3991 Canna City 7150 Eudora Dr ...........................................................................................Commerce City 720-336-8689 Cookies Denver 5385 Quebec St ................................................................................... Commerce City 720-780-8865 KRYSTALEAVES 5301 Vasquez Blvd #101 ................................... Commerce City 303-802-0026 see ad below - cannasavers page 69 Livwell 5846 Dahlia Street ...............................................................................................Commerce City 720-476-4736 Silver Stem Fine Cannabis 5275 Quebec Street #105 ..................................................Commerce City 720-458-5820 South Park Farma 5715 Fairfax Street C....................................................................... Commerce City 303-289-3263 Stadium Gardens 5441 Quebec St ...............................................................................Commerce City 720-465-5449 Star Buds 5844 Dahlia Street ..........................................................................................Commerce City 303-999-0401 Unique Cultivations 4955 Newport Street .................................................................... Commerce City 720-229-3346 WOW World of Weed 5433 Quebec Street ......................................................................Commerce City 303-286-0420 1136 Yuma 1136 Yuma Court .................................................................................................... Denver 720-900-1136





A CUT ABOVE 1911 South Broadway...................................................... Denver 720-536-8965 see ad on page 6 - cannasavers page 45 Affinity 7739 East Colfax Avenue ................................................................................................ Denver 720-479-8458 Allgreens 762 Kalamath Street ..................................................................................................... Denver 303-658-0107 Altitude 1568 South Federal Boulevard ...................................................................................... Denver 720-708-5428 6858 East Evans Avenue .............................................................................................. Denver 303-756-8888 Alto Dispensary 2160 S Lipan St ................................................................................................. Denver 305-972-1853 AMCH 1301 N Marion Street....................................................... Denver 720-961-0560 see ad on page 23 - cannasavers page 47 Apothecary Farms 2251 South Broadway................................................................................... Denver 303-862-5016 Ascend Cannabis Co 3555 South Yosemite Street .................................................................... Denver 720-482-3191 BEST HIGH DISPENSARY 1518 Quince St ................................................................. Denver 303-900-0809 see ad on page 4 - cannasavers page 49 Bgood Apothecary 80 South Pennsylvania Street ....................................................................... Denver 303-777-5239 Callies Cannabis Shoppe (Rino) 3054 Larimer Street ........................................................................................... Denver 303-297-2273 777 Canosa Ct. .............................................................................................................. Denver 720-415-2976 Cannabotica 219 Vallejo Street.................................................................................................... Denver 303-777-1550 Cherry Peak 4601 E Mississippi Ave................................................................................................. Denver 303-386-3185 Colorado Cannabis Connection 4550 South Kipling Street #4 ....................................................................................... Denver 720-328-2355 Colorado Harvest Company 1178 South Kalamath Street ......................................................................................... Denver 303 777-1840 1568 South Broadway .................................................................................................... Denver 303-722-1227 Cookies Denver 2057 S. Broadway ............................................................................................... Denver 303-862-5169 Cross Genetics 2440 West Evans Avenue .............................................................................................. Denver 303-936-0624 4902 East Smith Road, Unit C ...................................................................................... Denver 720-689-5704 Dank 3835 Elm Street Unit C ........................................................................................................ Denver 303-394-3265 Del Mundo Cannabis 2394 S Broadway ............................................................................................................ Denver 720-379-7295 Denco 3480 Park Avenue West, Unit B.................................................................................... Denver 303-433-2266 5155 East 46th Avenue................................................................................................. Denver 303-388-0434 DENREC 2042 South Bannock Street ........................................................................................... Denver 720-390-5070 2117 Larimer Street, Unit 1 ............................................................................................ Denver 303-296-2093 DENVER KUSH CLUB 2615 Welton Street........................................................... Denver 303-736-6550 see ad below - cannasavers page 53





ELITE CANNABIS 1410 S Santa Fe Dr........................................................... Denver 720-287-4081 4401 Zenobia St ............................................................... Denver 720-550-8339 see ad on page 25 - cannasavers page 57 Emerald Fields 2215 E Mississippi Ave ....................................................................................... Denver 720-595-3143 2675 West 38th Avenue ................................................................................................. Denver 720-389-9179 EverBloom 4095 Jackson Street ................................................................................................. Denver 720-226-9298 5110 Race Street........................................................................................................... Denver 720-226-9295 Fox Cannabis 4773 Fox Street ..................................................................................................... Denver 720-881-7460 FRESH CANNABIS 965 S Colorado Boulevard ............................................... Denver 720-596-4611 see ad on page 25 - cannasavers page 59 Frost Exotic 2949 W Alameda Ave ................................................................................................ Denver 720-787-4909 Ganja Gourmet 1810 South Broadway ........................................................................................ Denver 303-282-9333 GOLDEN MEDS 1755 S Broadway ............................................................. Denver 720-583-2119 2280 S Quebec St............................................................. Denver 720-428-8352 330 Federal Blvd............................................................... Denver 720-583-0194 4620 Peoria Street ........................................................... Denver 720-502-6393 970 S Oneida St ................................................................ Denver 720-287-2377 see ad on page 98 - cannasavers page 61 Good Chemistry 2563 15th St #103 ........................................................................................................ Denver 720-328-2131 1724 South Broadway................................................................................................... Denver 303-733-3113 330 East Colfax Avenue................................................................................................ Denver 720-524-4657 Green Cross Of Cherry Creek 3400 South Oneida Way Suite 101 ............................................. Denver 303-321-4201 Green Dragon 310 Saint Paul Street .................................................................................................... Denver 720-536-5462 1250 Grant St .................................................................................................................. Denver 720-505-5887 4103 Sheridan Blvd ........................................................................................................ Denver 720-459-6650 5130 East Colfax Avenue ............................................................................................... Denver 720-458-6450 930 West Byers Place .................................................................................................... Denver 970-480-0660 Green Man by Trees 7289 East Hampden Avenue ...................................................................... Denver 720-382-5950 Green Remedy 1052 S Quebec St ................................................................................................. Denver 303-745-4580 Green RiNo 3450 Brighton Boulevard.......................................................................................... Denver 303-433-3151 Greenfields 1798 West Mississippi Avenue................................................................................ Denver 303-455-1795 2038 S Navajo ................................................................................................................. Denver 303-295-0485 Herban Underground 70 Broadway #50...................................................................................... Denver 720-343-4372 HERBS 4 YOU 20 East 9th Avenue .......................................................... Denver 303-830-9999 see ad on page 25 - cannasavers page 63 High Level Health 1620 Market Street ....................................................................................................... Denver 303-953-0884 2028 East Colfax Avenue ............................................................................................. Denver 303-355-9333 970 Lincoln Street ......................................................................................................... Denver 303-839-9333 HIGH WEST CANNABIS 10625 E 51st Ave #100................................................... Denver 720-287-0820 see ad on page 27 - cannasavers page 65 Higher Grade 1269 Elati Street............................................................................................................ Denver 303-993-4547 3480 S Galena St ............................................................................................................ Denver 720-350-4071 3111 West 38th Avenue ................................................................................................. Denver 303-955-0186 House Of Dankness 10555 East 45th Avenue ............................................................................ Denver 303-373-7373 Jars 403 16th Street, Suite 1 ........................................................................................................ Denver 303-534-6255 4305 Brighton Boulevard ............................................................................................... Denver 303-297-1657 Karmaceuticals 4 South Santa Fe Drive ...................................................................................... Denver 303-765-2762 Kaya Cannabis 1075 South Fox Street .................................................................................................. Denver 303-593-2931 3937 West Colfax Avenue ............................................................................................ Denver 720-287-3934 12018 W Jewell Ave...................................................................................................... Denver 303-474-4010 Kind Love 4380 E Alameda Ave ................................................................................................... Denver 720-390-3600 KIND MEDS 260 North Santa Fe Drive................................................. Denver 720-366-8888 see ad on page 27 - cannasavers page 67 L’Eagle 380 Quivas Street ............................................................................................................... Denver 303-825-0497 La Bodega 1270 West Cedar Avenue, Suite A .............................................................................. Denver 720-475-1983

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