Cannapages Sep/Oct 2023 Edition - Denver/Boulder/Slopes

Vol 10. Edition 5

News from CannaTown

Page 13

Cannatown Sports

Performance-Dehancing Substance Use Sidelines Kickballer

Fans were shocked community-wide to hear that Peewee Henderson, captain of the local cadet kickball team e Chuggy Rickets, has been kicked o the team following allegations of using the performance-dehancing substance, cannabis. Kadet Kickball, a sport in which the worst team wins, has banned canna- bis, physical blindfolding, and any other method of dehancing one's perfor-

Peewee Henderson, center with ball, likely out for rest of the season by technicality.

mance, since the doping scandal of '69, a year in which not a single point was scored across the league. "It's a shame,” said coach Phillup Mabole, “Henderson was already just the worst. He really didn't need a boost." Leading the league in fouls and causing triple plays, the notoriously-clumsy Hender- son almost always struck out, or tripped his way to the bases. But critics say that pung likely attributed to his all-star space-out, excess weight from munchies, shortness of breath, penchant for accidentally running backwards, limited willpower and loss of drive--all which would dehance perfor- mance, as is controversially believed. "Ahem, with 100% condence, smaking is detrimental to performance in the classical sense and no one of sound mind would think otherwise," said cannabinoids professor Elaine Goodman of Cannatown University, "unless that person was completely unedu- cated and unfamiliar with the entire concept of cannabis." Likewise, commentary from above was tell- ingly brief. "Rules is rules," shrugged league president, Shmoe Shmiden. Crushed, Henderson burned through a half-wax-half-Cookies blunt by himself and

couldn't be reached for comment. But several players agreed to speak only under the veil of anonymity. "ing is most of us cheef all the time, it's the only way to play my absolute silliest," said one. “It's nothing compared to those dudes in the National Flower League (NFL) or National Bud Association (NBA),” said another. If you didn't have players smaking kind bud,” warned a coaching sta member, “there would be no such thing such thing as Kadet Kickball." e full saga of Henderson’s demise has been unfolding since earlier in the year. Um- pires were rst suspicious of his insistence on running around the bases twice per point-- each time, skipping around the shortstop. He oen le his centereld post to buy hotdogs. And there was the incident wherein huge gunks of peanut butter kept appearing on the kickball, allegedly from his signature moc- casin shoe, which was later found covered in ants in the locker room. A formal investiga- tion was launched aer the ballplayer suited up in a sumo wrestling suit to kick the ball, and tackled the pitcher instead of running for rst base. “Only in a sport where losers win, would can- nabis even be an issue,” concluded Goodman.

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