2023 3rd Quarter Crime Report

2023 3rd Quarter - Crimes Against Society Crimes Against Society offenses are a reflection of the department ’ s mitigation and resolution strategies. Each violation is counted as one offense. In the Third Quarter of 2023, Crimes Against Society decreased 3% overall with 1,151 offenses compared to 1,187 offenses reported in the Third Quarter of 2022. Pornography/obscene material increased 49.1% with 85 offenses compared to 57 offenses reported in the Third Quarter of 2022. Weapons Law violations decreased 20.6% with 255 offenses compared to 321 in the Third Quarter of 2022.

Increased 6.7%

Increased 0.3%

Decreased 50.0%

Increased 49.1%

No percent change

Decreased 20.6%

2023 3rd Quarter - Gang Unit Report In the Third Quarter of 2023, the number of cases assigned to the Gang Unit decreased 16.7% with 80 cases assigned compared to 96 cases assigned in the Third Quarter of 2022. Assaults increased 5.3%. Drug/Narcotics violations decreased 62.5% and Weapons Law Violations decreased 55% compared to the Third Quarter of 2022.

2023 3rd Quarter Crime Report


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