WINTER ISSUE 3 Radiantly Black_FINAL (4)

THE DEMOGRAPHICS OF OUR GROUP INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: ■ Residences: 1 - Apopka, 1 - Deland, 4 - Orlando and 1 - Sanford ■ Three are married, four are unmarried ■ Sororities: 1- Alpha Kappa Alpha , 1 - Delta Sigma Theta, 1 - Sigma Gamma Rho, and 1 - Zeta Phi Beta

BlacK WOMen Talking About Valentine’s Day

by Erikka Hart

Haileigh Talbert-Irving

Stacey Dawson -Morrison Works in Dentistry 20+ years Blended family mother of eight

Ketia Valcourt Behavioral Health Coordinator Member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.

Latina Dubreus Educator Member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Toni Law Customer Service Industry Member of Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Winter Springs

Andrea Hampton Accountant Member, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Member, Altamonte Springs (FL) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated

Venise White Public Health Consultant Member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

School Paraprofessional Member of Altamonte Springs (FL) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated

W hen people are asked about their thoughts on Valentine’s Day, they tend to have varying opinions. Some believe it is a commercialized occasion aimed at profiting from the public’s emotions, rather than a sincere way of expressing love. Others view it as a day dedicated to celebrating love, complete with gifts and chocolates. To gain insight into how Valentine’s Day influences the lives of women, we spoke with a few of them, and here’s what they had to say.

To protect the privacy of each participant, the answers to the questions are provided in random order, not in the same sequence as the women were introduced.

Ladies, describe the best Valentine’s Day you’ve ever had. » I have never had a Valentine’s Day experience that I consider the best, and the relationship I am currently in is my first. Before that, I used to spend Valentine’s Day alone or celebrate Galentine’s Day instead. Galentine’s Day is an alternative to the typical romantic outing, with a night spent enjoying time with your girlfriends. My friends and I would get dressed up, exchange gifts, and pick out a fancy restaurant to enjoy our evening. » When I was in college, my boyfriend proposed to me through the college newspaper. However, I didn’t realize what he was doing at the time since there was no ring, only a note in the newspaper. I was young and naïve back then, so I read it, but there was no follow-through on it. I guess because I was so young, it didn’t occur to me that he was really serious. We didn’t get married, but that Valentine’s Day memory still stands out for me. » Just before the world shut down due to Covid, my husband and I didn’t want to risk going out because we have five kids. So, since we couldn’t go anywhere, our older kids set up our whole bedroom with candles, flowers, and a blanket on the floor complete with dinner. They let us stay in the room all night and talk, watch movies, and just get our minds off of everything while they watched the younger ones for us. That was the most memorable one for me because our kids did it for us (and because they left us alone for a change). » My husband came up with an authentic idea for Valentine’s Day. He decorated our bedroom with conversation heart candies and candles, placed a copy of the book “The Five Love Languages” on the bed, and scattered rose petals leading to the bedroom. The night ended with a relaxing bubble bath, and I felt like a queen.

Tell us about your worst Valentine’s Day. » It was my senior year in high school, and my boyfriend didn’t come over for Valentine’s Day. I saw him the next day, and I realized that my not seeing him the day before meant that I was the side chick! It wasn’t until the 15th that I confirmed that he had been cheating. » When I was in college just before the pandemic hit, I had a terrible Valentine’s Day. I was talking to a guy, and since I belong to Gen Z, the lines were somewhat blurred when it came to relationships, situation-ships, and everything else. Although we didn’t have a completely defined relationship, I was still expecting something because we had gone on many dates by that point. Then, things took an unexpected turn when he posted on Snapchat about being on a date with another girl. Even though we weren’t exclusive, it was still very awkward and upsetting for me. What does the perfect Valentine’s Day look like for you? » For me, it’s about experiences, and it doesn’t have to be executed on Valentine’s Day but something memorable that I can reflect on. Flowers fade away, and chocolate will get eaten, but an experience that you can share is more meaningful. I like a getaway or a couple’s massage because those are things that can help rekindle or strengthen relationships. » At almost 50, my love language is trending towards acts of service more than just a regular gift. If I came home and he had cleaned the house or purchased cleaning services, I would appreciate that. So, a perfect Valentine’s Day for me would be an act of service for things that I need to be done, like cleaning out the garage.





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