graphy. The Atlas is so organized as to follow the Scripture narrative. This special feature makes the Atlas most valuable as a Bible study aid, and for use as a textbook. An enlightening resume of the Bible Lands today is given. An outstanding feature of this Atlas is its Geographic Gazetteer, giving in concise form the location and other data on geographic names significant in Scripture. The course consists of 27 open-book quizzes, and two examinations. The Correspondence school, under the direction of Mrs. Eleanor Blue, is one of the ministries of the 54-year-old Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incor porated, Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, President. your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). Parents have the divine responsibility of cor recting their children. There must not be any needless or even heedless har- rassing of the children. The Scripture says, don’t provoke your children to wrath but nurture them in the chasten ing and admonition of the Lord. “A child can sometimes be straightened up, by being bent over.” Q. Billings, Montana — “Why do church es serve communion so often? Our minister says it should be observed only once a year. A. There are some churches which ob serve communion every week. The Bi ble says, “As often . . .” The purpose of the communion is that we might draw nigh in a very particular and specific way, considering our relation ship to the Lord Jesus'Christ; We need to be sure that any wrong on our part has been corrected; any sin has been forgiven and is under the blood. The service shall never be perfunctory, or it will lose all its value. Observe com munion as often as you find any defi nite blessing coming to your own heart by so doing. 12
| Because of the wealth of material newly available on Bible Geography, the Biola Correspondence School is of fering a completely new and exhaus tive course of study in this field. Colored maps, photographs, special outline study guides, and many pages of fascinating background information on significant Biblical sites are included in the course. In addition, important data on archaeological research in Bib lical countries is presented. The spe cially prepared material is available for home study through the Biola Cor respondence School, 558 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. The price of $10.00 includes a recently published 333-page Bible Atlas as the textbook. This volume puts the emphasis on geo- Panel Discussions (continued) teach that there is no hope for one who sins after he accepts Christ as Saviour. Q . Boise, Idaho — “Da angels appear in the flesh as if they were human be ings?” A. Throughout Scripture, there have been angels who appeared in the flesh, as though they were human beings. In the Old Testament we read of the “An gel of the Lord.” No doubt this refers to the incarnate Christ who appeared in human flesh. “While they looked stedfastly toward heaven as He went up, two men stood by them in white apparel, “Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?” (Acts 1:10, 11). It would seem necessary for an angel with a mes sage to deliver it by using human flesh. Otherwise, it would be startling to merely hear a voice without any per son being visible or present. Q . Walla Walla, Washington — “/ am con fused about Ephesians 6:4, Provoke not your children to wrath. Does this mean that parents should not correct their children?” A.The remainder of that verse actually answers it. “Ye fathers, provoke not
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