Biola Broadcaster - 1963-02

Retirement w ith a Christian Atmosphere

s h a r o n g a r d e n s

Phoenix, Arizona

It was in 1957 that a minister chal­ lenged a Christian businessman, Clar- enc'e Wheeler, with the suggestion, “Phoenix needs a retirement center for evangelicals.” At personal sacri­ fice, Mr. Wheeler founded Sharon Gardens which adjoins the Arizona Bible Institute Campus, 3025 West McDowell Road, in “The Valley of the Sun.” A visit to the ten-acre, beautifully- landscaped Christian center introduc­ es one to retired missionaries, pastors, teachers, and others from various walks of life. Facilities include houses, bungalows, duplexes and apartments in the attractive two-story King David Court. Some are completely furnished. With the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles, Inc. now responsible for A.B.I., it will also be operating Sharon Gardens. All facilities are air-condi­ tioned for both winter and summer. An attractive building is provided for inspirational meetings and commu-

Mr. Clarence Wheeler (left), talks with Mr. Roy Yoder, retired Belgian Congo missionary. nity projects. Within the Phoenix city limits, facilities are available for lease or purchase. “Life care” plans are now being studied by the Biola ad­ ministration.

Offices of the Berean Mission are located in Sharon Mr. Wheeler and Mrs. Marie Fick Gardens. On left is Mrs. Beulah Amy who translated the New Testament while in the Congo. Miss Amanda Johnson is on the right!

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