Biola Broadcaster - 1963-02


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■ f t * W IT H IN T H E RELIGIOUS p h il o s o p h i e s of man there are two divergent ven. One is occupied with work, achievement, and merit. “If I do this, or if I do that; if I am good to others, when the day comes to stand before God, the record being open, I will stand and have no difficulty getting through the gates of heaven.” Based upon the only sure and written record of hea­ ven, such an appraisal of eternal life

is completely false and erroneous. On the other side of the picture, the true believer knows that the only way to heaven is summarized in the word “done.” This comes by claiming the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ when He died for us on Cal­ vary’s cross. It is coming to the Sav­ iour with the declaration, “nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy cross (con tin u ed on n ex t page) 3

opinions on the subject of going to hea­

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