saved walk according to it (Eph. 2:2), and Christians are delivered from it (Gal. 1:4). There is nothing wrong with the kosmos, although the word seems to be used sometimes to indicate not only the physical world but also the world systems and the godless worldliness of the people of the world (John 15:18, 19; I John 2:15-17 and others). “According to the ruler of the authority of the air.” The unregen erate also walk in sins in obedience to the commands of the devil, who is the ruler of the authority of the air and of the spirits who now “in-work” in the sons of disobedience. Here is the real person with superhuman power. The word for “authority” is in the singular number, but is used in the collective sense. It is an evil, lawless, usurped authority of demons, over which the devil presides. The haunts and sphere of activity of these evil spirits are in the air, a region above the earth where the unregenerate have their spiritual abode, but below the “heavenlies” whither Jesus was raised and whither the saints have been raised, spiritually, with Him (1:20, 21; 2:6). The word “air” occurs seven times (Acts 22:23; I Cor. 9:26; 14:9;. Eph. 2:2; I Thess. 4:17; Rev. 9:2; 16: 17). We can look those below him, but they, too, may escape. “The spirit who now is in-working in the sons of disobedience.” The word “spirit” is grammatically connected with the word “authority,” and since “authority” is collective, “spirit” is also collective and may be pluralized into spirits. They are now working in the sons (and daughters) of disobedience, making them so and striving to keep them so. They used to work in those who are now Christians. Demons have personal characteristics, and are work ers. The devil strives to deny his per sonality, but the Word abounds in proofs that he is a person. He does what only persons can do. One of the names of the unsaved is “son of disobedience” (5:6; Col. 3:6). The Greek word for “disobedience” and “unbelief” is the same, and the two are vitally connected (see John 3:36; Acts 17:5; Rom. 11:30-
32; Heb. 3:18; 4:6; 11). People are not corrupt and immoral because of en vironment or of lack of education, but because they have bad hearts (Jer. 17: 9; Mark 7:21-23), controlled by a per sonal devil who makes them antagon istic to the will of God. Verse 3 — “Among whom also we all formerly behaved ourselves.” The person of the verb now changes and Paul includes himself. Among these sons of disobedience we all, in times past, lived in the lusts of the flesh. The old word “conversation” meant man ner of living, and that is the thought of the Greek (anastrepho, which means to live, live one’s life, behave one’s self). “In the lusts of our flesh.” The word for “lusts” means desires, long ings, often evil desires, as here. “Flesh” here is human nature as ruined by the Fall, the self-life. Doing the desires (Greek, Wills ) of the flesh and of the thoughts.” “Of the flesh” refers doubt less to the sensual passions and appe tites; “of the mind” to the higher de sires — those for beauty, knowledge, fame, power, and the like, for selfish and sinful purposes. The word for “mind” here is dianoia (as in 4:18) and means “through the mind,” thence thoughts, understanding, way of think ing and feeling. It is in the plural here, and means thoughts, e v i l thoughts. “And were by nature children of wrath.” Here is another name for the unsaved. They are children upon whom the wrath of God abides, because He, the eternal, holy God, has an eternal hatred of sin (John 3:36; Rom. 1:18; Col. 3:5, 6; I Thess. 1:10; Rev. 6:15- 17). “By nature,” not by circumstances nor environment. The word is from a verb which means to generate. — “Even as others” — all the unregen erated. Notice that all the verbs in this passage are in the past tense. The Ephe sian Christians are being told not what they are, but what they were, or used to be before regeneration, and what regeneration saved them from. It also describes the state of the unregenerate as they have been and are today. 34
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