Panel Discussions
(Interesting questions sent in by radio listeners)
that, however, to show our appreciation for all that He had done, not in order that we might merit salvation or' get to heaven thereby. Q . Los Angeles, California —- “We named our first child ‘Alpha.’ A neighbor told me that this was wrong because ‘Alpha’ is a name applied only to God in the Bible. Have we done wrong?” A. The Word “Alpha” comes from the first letter of the Greek alphabet. From the first two letters, we get our word, “alphabet.” By naming your child Alpha, you doubtless did not have in mind minimizing the glory or the majesty of God. It is not right for neighbors to make you feel you are doing something contrary to God’s will in this matter. If we took offense at this then we have a number of people in the Old Testament who would be out of line. “Joshua” means “Jesus.” Elijah’s name means, “My God is Jeho vah.” The important thing is to rear that child in the nurture and admoni tion of the Lord. It would be a pretty impossible life if we had to do every thing to please our neighbors. Let us seek rather to please the Lord. People purposely, put the name of God into their own name not to be putting God down on their level, but rather to magnify Him. Q . Escondido, California — “Why don’t we use the word ‘Passover,’ or some such description, insfead of ‘Easter.’ Easter represents the Teutonic goddess of spring, doesn’t it?” A. To the Christian, Easter has be come the period the time which graph ically speaks of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The word itself dates far back of the Teutonic age. In Baby lonian custom, the heathen goddess who (continued on next page) 9
Q . Atascadero, California — “Judas was the son of Simon, but was he the son of ‘Simon Peter’ or of a different ‘Si mon’?” A. When Scriptures give names of the disciples it refers to Simon who is called Peter first. Actually in John’s Gospel we read, “Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that Thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God” (John 6:68, 69). Jesus an swered him, “Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?” He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon (John :70, 71). Judas is son of Simon Iscariot. The word “Iscariot” has reference to where he came from, as we would say that man from Los An geles was an “Angelino.” No, Judas was not the son of Peter, nor is there indication of any relationship whatso ever. Q . Lancaster, California — “What are the minimum essentials needed to get into heaven?” A. They are the exact same as the maximum essentials, that a man must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. There is not one thing more a person can do to get into heaven. “He that believeth on Him is not con demned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God” (John 3:18).
Jesus paid it all, A ll to Him / owe,
Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow!
After we have accepted the Lord as Saviour there are, of course, many things we will want to do, by way of living Christ-honoring lives. We do
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