Wake Forest Community Plan - May 2023

7 Wait Avenue

8 Forestville Road &

9 One World Way &

Burlington Mills Road This area presents great potential for Mixed Residential development due to its large scale and convenient access to Forestville Road and Burlington Mills Road. A diverse variety of housing should be provided within the develop- ment, ranging from small lot single- family detached housing to lower intensity multifamily development. More dense housing types should be located near the major roadways to act as a buffer from traffic activity to lower intensity residential development. Neighborhood-serving corner stores or food and drink establishments is appropriate, such as along Burlington Mills Road. Traffic impacts of future development should be examined and roadway infrastructure and access management should be upgraded as needed to sufficiently support new development.

Burlington Mills Road These properties should be targeted for workforce housing to leverage proximity to the Light Industrial area north of Burlington Mills Road and access to Capital Boulevard. This would allow workers to be within walking distance to their jobs and nearby shopping options. As this area is near a potential S-Line station, TOD may also be supported with ground floor commercial and upper floor residential. Appropriate housing types include multifamily, two-over-twos, duplexes, and townhomes. Homes affordable to households earning 60 to 120 percent of the area’s median income (AMI) should be encouraged.

A collection of undeveloped parcels is dispersed along Wait Avenue between N Allen Road and Traditions Grande Boulevard. Due to their larger parcel size within the surrounding context, a mix of housing types should be encouraged to complement the scale and character of adjacent single-family detached homes. This includes single-family detached homes, duplexes, cottage home courts, townhomes, triplexes, and quadplexes. Accommodating greater housing options than only single- family detached homes would allow more residents to live in this desirable location close to Downtown while remaining compatible the character of the existing neighborhood.



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