Wake Forest Community Plan - May 2023

8 S Main Street (South) The Main Street corridor is an entryway into Wake Forest from Capital Boulevard and a gateway into Downtown. For this important corridor, reinvestment in aging commercial buildings and the rede- velopment of disinvested structures should be a priority. Future develop- ment patterns should include building placement near the sidewalk with parking to the side or rear, promoting a pedestrian-friendly environment. Pedestrian comfort and safety should be improved by closing gaps in the sidewalk system, reducing driveway cuts, widening narrow sidewalks, and providing adequate landscaped buffers between sidewalks and travel lanes. Aesthetics and stormwater functions should be enhanced by working with property owners to resurface deteriorating parking lots and upgrade them with interior and perimeter landscaping.

7 Rogers Road Corridor Rogers Road is a major east-west roadway that contains a robust variety of commercial and office businesses. Vacant lots along the Rogers Road corridor should be a focus for infill with additional retail, service, and office uses. As traffic congestion is increasingly becoming an issue, roadway capacity and access management improvements should be prioritized to support future development. Cross access between businesses and connected, alternative routes should be encouraged to reduce traffic impacts along Rogers Road. Pedestrian and bike connec- tivity along the corridor should be improved with a complete sidewalk network, ample streetscapes between the sidewalk and curb, and safe crossings at traffic signals. To improve onsite multimodal access, pedestrian walkways, bike parking, and parking lot lighting should be incorporated. Landscaping should be used to improve the character of the corridor, including trees along the external sidewalk network and perimeter and internal parking lot landscaping.

9 Unicon Drive Industrial Expanding on existing industrial development, future light industrial growth around Unicon Drive should increase local job opportunities and strengthen the Town’s tax base. Desirable examples include small- er-scale manufacturing, biotech, and green industries. Buildings should feature high quality facades that incorporate windows and variations in building material and/or color at its main entrance to help establish an attractive industrial hub. This location benefits from easy roadway access off Capital Boulevard for freight; however, the Town should ensure all truck activity is directed away from adjacent residential neighborhoods. Ample screening, buffering, and setbacks of industrial uses from the residential areas should preserve their character and mitigate adverse impacts in the neighborhoods.



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