Wake Forest Community Plan - May 2023


Screening and buffering help improve the appearance of unsightly or high activity uses and mitigate their impact on neighboring properties. Screening includes the use of quality, opaque fencing, walls, and/or landscape to hide undesirable uses such as parking, loading, storage, or trash disposal areas from the public right-of-way and adjacent uses. Buffering provides distance to further separate incompatible uses and minimize impacts, such as noise, odor, or light pollution. In instances where higher intensity uses like industrial or corridor commercial are located next to lower intensity uses like single-family residential, screening and buffering should be utilized to provide visual and/or physical separation between such conflicting uses. Key Recommendations | Ensure sufficient screening and buffering of industrial and commercial uses next to residential uses to minimize potential adverse impacts, such as in the Unicon Drive area. | Encourage new development to preserve existing wooded areas along the perimeter of sites to provide natural buffering. | Encourage screening of utility, loading, outdoor storage, and trash disposal areas that are visible from the right-of-way and adjacent development. | Promote the use of setbacks for walls and fences that allow for plantings between the property line and the right-of-way and adjacent development.


Residential Area

Industrial Area (Under Development)

Industrial Area



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