Wake Forest Community Plan - May 2023


Key Recommendations | Continue to support the Northern Community Food Security Team and together explore other locations for community food hubs within the Town. | Partner with local food cooperatives and regional food networks, such as the Capital Area Food Network, to address food insecurity in the community. | Encourage regenerative practices, such as use of organic fertilizers, crop rotation, and crop variation for healthy soil. | Conduct a meal gap survey to better assess the immediate and long term needs in the community. | Evaluate the economic impact of local food systems in the community to encourage localized marketplaces for food producers. | Explore updates to the UDO that would promote urban agriculture and repurposing of vacant or underutilized lots for such uses.

A food system comprises of food production, processing, distribution, consumption, and waste management. Such activities are rooted in the community in a local food system and help address food insecurity in addition to supporting the local economy.

Local food systems can help connect local farmers directly to consumers

boosting income, providing employment opportunities as well as access to fresh food. To promote local food system and support the local food economy, the Town should pursue the following recommendations:



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