Dylan Thomas Prize Programme 2024







Diolch arbennig i: Ein panel beirniadu 2024; ein hawduron ar y rhestr fer, eu cyhoeddwyr, golygyddion a chyhoeddwyr; Sylfaenydd a Llywydd Peter Stead; Noddwyr Jeff Towns a Michael Sheen; Ymddiriedolaeth Dylan Thomas; interniaid modiwl Gwobr Dylan Thomas; holl ffrindiau a phartneriaid Gwobr Dylan Thomas a DylanED. Special thanks to: Our 2024 judging panel; our shortlisted writers, their publishers, editors and publicists; Founder and President Peter Stead; Patrons Jeff Towns and Michael Sheen; the Dylan Thomas Trust; Dylan Thomas Prize module interns; all friends and partners of the Dylan Thomas Prize and DylanED.

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