Gorffennol Winter Edition 23/24

Owen, Craig, ‘’Inspired by Annie’: The Story of the 1923 Wels Women’s Peace Petition to America’ on Welsh Centre for International Affairs <"Inspired by Annie": The Story of the 1923 Welsh Women's Peace Petition to America - Welsh Centre for International Affairs (wcia.org.uk)>[accessed on 10/11/2023]. Owen, Craig, ‘The Story of Minnie James and the Temple’s ‘Mothers of Peace’’ on Welsh Centre for International Affairs <Minnie James and the Temple's 'Mothers of Peace' - Welsh Centre for International Affairs (wcia.org.uk)> [accessed on 14/11/2023].

Owens, Patricia and Rietzler, Katharina eds, Women’s International Thought: a new History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021).

Royden, Maude, ‘War and the Women’s Movement’, in Towards a Lasting Settlement, ed. by G. L. Dickinson and C. R. Buxton (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916), pp. 131-146.

Siegel, Mona, Peace on Our Terms: The Global Battle for Women’s Rights after the First World War (New York: Columbia University Press, 2020).

Stöckmann, Jan, ‘Women, Wars and World Affairs: Recovering Feminist International Relations, 1915- 1939’, Review of International Studies , 42.2 (2018), 215-235.

Williams, Annie, ‘Women and the Peace movement in North Wales 1926 - 1945’ in The Appeal ed. by Jenny Mathers and Mererid Hopwood (Talybont: Y Lolfa, 2023).


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