Gorffennol Winter Edition 23/24

Bibliography of Visual sources:

Dix, Otto, The Match Seller, (1920), <https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/schools/lcahm/departments/historyofart/research/projec ts/map/issue3/waine-match-seller.aspx#n15> [accessed 4 th January 2024] Lissitzky, El, Beat the Whites with the Red wedge, (1919), <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beat_the_Whites_with_the_Red_Wedge> [accessed 3 rd January 2024].

Nash, Paul, Wire (1918), <https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/20092> [accessed 2 nd January 2024].


A.-L., Waine, (2019) Object in focus: Otto Dix, Match Seller, 1920 and Leicester’s German Expressionist Collection , University of Birmingham . Available at: <https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/schools/lcahm/departments/historyofart/research/projec ts/map/issue3/waine-match-seller.aspx#n15> [accessed 5 January 2024] (para. 4 of 9).

Barry, Gearóid, Demobilization (2018), <https://encyclopedia.1914-1918- online.net/article/demobilization> [accessed 5 January 2024] (para. 9 of 32).

Dow, Arthur Wesley, 'Modernism in Art', The American Magazine of Art , 8.3 (1917), 113- 116.

Fulmer, Jeremy, Biography <https://www.ottodix.org/biography/> [accessed 5 January 2024] (para. 4-7 of 15).

‘A war of the imagination’: the experience of the British artist: Paul Gough; British war artists chapter; 2001; pp. 331-347; p.342. cited in Oram, G. (ed.) WS-201: The First World War 'Course Documents', Canvas, Swansea University <https://canvas.swansea.ac.uk/courses/48915/files/5439433?module_item_id=2498256> [accessed 5 th January]. Karasz, Palko, Two London exhibitions show changes in Russia during World War 1 (2023), <https://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/23/arts/international/two-london-exhibitions-show- changes-in-russia-during-world-war-i.html> [accessed 6 January 2024] (para. 3 of 27).

Malevich Kazimir, Kazimir Malevich: The Manifesto of Suprematism <https://designmanifestos.org/kazimir-malevich-the-manifesto-of-suprematism/> [accessed 6 January 2024] (para. 1 of 63).


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