Program Description: The Child Development program is offered to prepare students for employment in the field of early care and education. The program is designed to provide students with skills and knowledge to work effectively with young children and families. Graduates may be employed as administrators in private preschool programs; as teachers in state pre- kindergarten programs, preschool programs, Head Start and Early Head Start programs; or aides in public school systems. Students may pursue the Associate in Applied Science Degree in Child Development or a Child Development Certificate. Child Development courses focus on developing competencies involved in the direct care of young children. Both programs allow students to develop a broad base of competencies that will prepare them to guide experiences of children from birth through early childhood. The Child Development Certificate is designed to prepare students to enter the field of early care and education and may be an intermediate step for those working toward a degree. Child Development courses may also be used to fulfill the educational requirements of individuals who wish to obtain a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential from the Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition in Washington, D.C. Job Opportunities: Graduates may be employed in private preschool programs or childcare facilities; as teachers in pre-kindergarten programs, private preschool programs, Head Start and Early Head Start programs; or aides in public school systems or private child care facilities.

Minimum Admission Requirements:

1. Unconditional admission to the College 2. A minimum of 2.00 high school GPA for students without prior college (GED acceptable in lieu of high school transcript) 3. Eligibility for English 101 and Math 116 as determined by college policy 4. Good standing with the College

Program-level Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the Child Development Program:

1. Students will be able to describe the roles of the administrator in a childcare facility. 2. Students will be able to describe major elements in operating a childcare facility to include basic management concepts, budgeting, and personnel policies and procedures. 3. Students will be able to develop activities that support pre-reading development in young children. 4. Students will be able to describe safe and healthy management practices in a childcare setting. 5. Students will be able to describe appropriate techniques for reading to children and model reading to young children in an engaging manner.


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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