
BUC 121 Floors and Walls Framing, 3 hours (1-6-0) This course focuses on floor and wall layout. Topics include leveling tools, framing, layouts, and components of wall and floor framing to include beams, girders, floor joists, sub- flooring, partitions, bracing, headers, sills, doors, and corners. Upon completion, students should be able to properly perform basic construction framing procedures for floor and walls. (3-0-0) This course focuses on building codes, real estate, and project scheduling. Topics include real estate, project planning, specifications, company structure and organization, building codes and related legal aspects. Upon completion, students should be able to identify the components of the construction process, locate information in building code books, plan construction projects and understand the implications of various real estate issues. BUC 133 Building Codes, 3 hours BUC 238 Cooperative Work Experience, 3 hours (0-15-0) This course provides students work experience with a college-approved employer in an area directly related to the building construction industry. Emphasis is placed on integrating classroom and lab experiences with work experience. Upon completion, a student should be able to evaluate career selections and demonstrate employability skills and work-related competencies.


BUS 210 Introduction to Accounting, 3 hours (3-0-0) This course is an introduction to accounting and financial reporting concepts and the use of accounting information for financial and managerial decisions. Information is presented from a financial statement user approach. CODE B (3-0-0) This course covers written, oral and nonverbal communications. Topics include the application of communication principles to the production of clear, correct, and logically organized business communications. CODE C BUS 215 Business Communication, 3 hours BUS 241 Principles of Accounting I, 3 hours (3-0-0) This course is designed to provide a basic theory of accounting principles and practices used by service and merchandising enterprises. Emphasis is placed on financial accounting, including the accounting cycle, and financial statement. CODE B

BUS 242 Principles of Accounting II, 3 hours


Prerequisite: BUS 241 This course is a continuation of BUS 241. In addition to a study of financial accounting, this course covers topics managerial accounting, corporations, financial statement analysis. CODE B


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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