preschool programs. Topics include local, state and federal regulations; budget planning; record keeping; personnel policies and parent involvement. Upon completion, students should be able to identify elements of a sound business plan, develop familiarity with basic record-keeping techniques, and identify elements of a developmentally appropriate program. CODE C (3-0-0) This course focuses on child development from infancy through thirty-five months of age with emphasis on planning programs using developmentally-appropriate material. Emphasis is placed on positive ways to support an infa nt or toddler’s social, emotional, physical and intellectual development. Upon completion, students should be able to plan an infant- toddler program and environment that is appropriate and supportive of the families and the children. CODE C CHD 209 Infant & Toddler Education Programs, 3 hours CHD 210 Educating Exceptional Children, 3 hours (3-0-0) This course explores the many different types of exceptionalities found in young children. Topics include speech, language, hearing and visual impairments; gifted and talented children; mental retardation; emotional, behavioral, and neurological handicaps. Upon completion, students should be able to identify appropriate strategies for working with children. CODE C (3-0-0) This course provides students with information about working with diverse families and communities. Students will be introduced to family and community settings, the importance of relationships with children, and the pressing needs of today’s society. Students will study and practice techniques for developing these important relationships and effective communication skills. CODE C CHD 214 Families and Communities in Early Care and Education Programs, 3 hours
CHD 215 Supervised Practical Experience in Child Development, 3 hours
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor This course provides a minimum of 90 hours of hands-on, supervised experience in an approved program for young children. Students will develop a portfolio documenting experiences gained during this course. NOTE: If students are pursuing a certificate in Infant and Toddler, placement must be in an infant and toddler environment. CODE C (3-0-0) This course is designed for caregivers/teachers providing programs for children age 5-12 in their before and after school care and summer programs. The course provides information on developmental profiles, discusses family concerns, and includes a variety of activities that caregivers can adopt to provide an educational and stimulating program. CODE C
CHD 224 School Age Childcare, 3 hours
DPT 103 Introductory Computer Skills II, 3 hours (3-0-0) This course is designed to focus on further development of computer skills. The course will
2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook
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