Prerequisite: As required by program Corequisite: EMS 155

This course is required to apply for certification as an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT). This course provides students with clinical education experiences to enhance knowledge and skills learned in EMS 155. This course helps prepare students for the National Registry AEMT Exam. The student will have the opportunity to use the basic and advanced skills of the AEMT in the clinical and field settings under the direct supervision of licensed healthcare professionals. Requires licensure or eligibility for licensure at the EMT level and EMS 155 must be taken as a co-requisite.

EMS 241 Paramedic Cardiology, 3 hours


Prerequisite: As required by program This course introduces the cardiovascular system, cardiovascular electrophysiology, and electrocardiographic monitoring. This course further relates pathophysiology and assessment findings to the formulation of field impression and implementation of treatment plans for specific cardiovascular conditions. Content areas include: cardiovascular anatomy and physiology, cardiovascular electrophysiology, electrocardiographic monitoring, rhythm analysis, and prehospital 12-lead electrocardiogram monitoring and interpretation, assessment of the cardiovascular patient, pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease and techniques of management including appropriate pharmacologic agents and electrical therapy.

EMS 242 Paramedic Patient Assessment, 2 hours


Prerequisite: As required by program This course provides the knowledge and skills needed to perform a comprehensive patient assessment, make initial management decisions, and to communicate assessment findings and patient care verbally and in writing. Content areas include: airway management, history taking, techniques of the physical examination, patient assessment, clinical decision making, communications, documentation and assessment based management.

EMS 243 Paramedic Pharmacology, 1 hour


Prerequisite: As required by program This course introduces basic pharmacological agents and concepts with an emphasis on drug classifications and the knowledge and skills required of a paramedic for safe, effective medication administration. Content areas include: general principles of pharmacology and pharmacologic pathophysiology; venous and intraosseous access techniques, the metric and apothecary system; computation of dosage and solution problems, administration of pharmacologic agents; pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, and nasogastric tube placement.

EMS 244 Paramedic Clinical I, 1 hour


Prerequisite: As required by program This course is directed toward the application of knowledge and skills developed in didactic and skills laboratory experiences to the clinical setting. Theory and skills are applied to a variety of patient situations in the clinical setting, with a focus on patient assessment and management, advanced airway management, electro-therapy, I.V./I.O. initiation and


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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