medication administration.

EMS 245 Paramedic Medical Emergencies, 3 hours


Prerequisite: As required by program This course relates pathophysiology and assessment findings to the formulation of field impression and implementation treatment plans for specific medical conditions. Content areas include: pulmonology, neurology, gastroenterology, renal/urology, toxicology, hematology, environmental conditions, infectious and communicable diseases, abuse and assault, patients with special challenges, and acute interventions for the chronic care patient.

EMS 246 Paramedic Trauma Management, 3 hours


Prerequisite: As required by program This course relates pathophysiology and assessment findings to the formulation of field impressions and implementation of treatment plans for trauma patients. Content areas include the pathophysiology, assessment, and management of trauma as related to: trauma systems; mechanisms of injury; hemorrhage and shock; soft tissue injuries; burns; and head, facial, spinal, thoracic, abdominal, and musculoskeletal trauma.

EMS 247 Paramedic Special Populations, 2 hours


Prerequisite: As required by program. This course relates pathophysiology and assessment findings to the formulation of field impressions and implementation of treatment plans for specific medical conditions. Content areas include: endocrinology, allergies and anaphylaxis, behavioral/psychiatric conditions, gynecology, obstetrics, neonatology, pediatrics, and geriatrics. In the clinical setting, theory and skills are applied to a variety of medical situations across the life span of the patient, with a focus on communication with and management of cardiac, acute care, psychiatric/behavioral, obstetrical, newborn, pediatric, geriatric, and acute interventions for chronic care patients, and patients with special challenges.

EMS 248 Paramedic Clinical II, 3 hours


Prerequisite: As required by program This course is required to apply for certification as a Paramedic. This course provides students with clinical education experiences to enhance knowledge and skills learned in EMS 245, 246, and 247 and knowledge and proficiency from previous clinical experiences. This course helps prepare students for the National Registry Paramedic Exam. The student will have the opportunity to use the basic and advanced skills of the Paramedic in the clinical setting under the direct supervision of licensed healthcare professionals. Requires licensure at the AEMT level.

EMS 253 Paramedic Transition to the Workforce, 2 hours


Prerequisite: As required by program This course is designed to meet additional state and local educational requirements for paramedic practice. Content includes: ACLS, PALS or PEPP, ITLS or PHTLS, prehospital protocols, transfer drugs, and other courses as dictated by local needs or state requirements.

EMS 254 Advanced Competencies for Paramedic, 2 hours



2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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