FOR 256 Forestry Research and Management, 4 hours


Prerequisite: Permission of instructor This course provides an overview of current research and forest management practices that occur in the local area. Emphasis is placed on tree species and common forest management practices in the southeast. Upon completion, students should be able to recognize current site preparation, cutting practices, and silvicultural practices used in the southeastern United States and have a general knowledge of seed orchard and nursery operations. (3-3-0) This course deals with the preparation of written forest management plans. Topics include stand mapping, timber inventory, stand descriptions and recommendations, and the planning of silvicultural activities to assist the landowner in meeting his/her objectives. FOR 266 Forest Management Practices, 4 hours FOR 270 Forest Fire Control/Use, 4 hours (3-3-0) This is a study of forest fire behavior, wildfire suppression, control organizations, and use of fire as a forest management tool. Topics include types of fire, benefits of fire, fire adapted ecosystems, prescribed fire techniques, wildfire control, smoke management, and fire plan preparation. Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to identify fuel types, estimate fuel volume, demonstrate the use of firefighting equipment, develop a burning plan and be familiar with weather conditions and how they influence fire behavior. (3-3-0) This course is a study of basic forest measurements. Topics include public land subdivision, cubic volume, board feet, volume tables, specialty products, simple statistics, and plot, strip, and variable timber and cruising methods. Upon completion, students should be able to locate property based on legal descriptions, select appropriate volume tables for specific product classes, and summarize field data using fixed area or variable plot data. FOR 281 Forest Mensuration, 4 hours

FOR 282 Advanced Forest Mensuration, 4 hours


Prerequisite: FOR 281 This course is designed to improve the cruising skills of the students. Emphasis is placed on line-plot, strip and variable plot cruising methods. Upon completion, students should be able to establish base lines, run offsets, map, collect and summarize field data, and construct stands and stock tables. (3-3-0) This course provides the student with basic knowledge of forest insects and diseases. Emphasis is placed on identification, life cycles, damage, and control of major forest insects and disease pests of the southeastern United States. Upon completion, students should be able to identify major forest insects and diseases including life cycles and damage to host plants.

FOR 285 Forest Entomology and Pathology, 4 hours



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