in health, ecology, and economy is included. Implications of nutrition for children may be stressed. CODE B


HOR 110 Introduction to Horticulture, 3 hours (3-0-0) (HOR 110 is transferrable only to Auburn University Department of Horticulture as part of a Transfer Recruitment Agreement) This course provides students with foundational knowledge relative to the horticulture profession. Specific topics include information regarding the horticulture industry, safety practices, basic botany and general plant care and culture.


HUM 101 Introduction to Humanities I, 3 hours (3-0-0) This course is the first in a two-semester sequence which offers the student an introduction to humanities using selections from art, music, literature, and philosophy which relates to unifying theme. CODE A (3-0-0) This is the second course in a two-semester sequence which offers the student an introduction to the humanities using selections from art, music, literature, history, and philosophy which relates to a unifying theme. CODE A HUM 102 Introduction to Humanities II, 3 hours HUM 299-01 PTK Honors I, 1 hour (1-0-1) This course provides an opportunity for the student to study selected topics in the area of the humanities under the supervision of a qualified instructor. The topics will be broad in scope and content rather than specific, and will reference important cultural works from a variety of areas, which may include literature, religious studies, speech, foreign languages, art, music, theatre, and dance. The course may be repeated for credit. CODE A (1-0-1) This course provides an opportunity for the student to study selected topics in the area of the humanities under the supervision of a qualified instructor. The topics will be broad in scope and content rather than specific, and will reference important cultural works from a variety of areas, which may include literature, religious studies, speech, foreign languages, art, music, theatre, and dance. The course may be repeated for credit. CODE A HUM 299-02 PTK Honors II, 1 hour HUM 299-03 PTK Honors III, 1 hour (1-0-1) This course provides an opportunity for the student to study selected topics in the area of the humanities under the supervision of a qualified instructor. The topics will be broad in scope and content rather than specific, and will reference important cultural works from a variety of areas, which may include literature, religious studies, speech, foreign languages, art, music, theatre, and dance. The course may be repeated for credit. CODE A


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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