IDS 102 Ethics, 3 hours (3-0-3) This course introduces the student to basic concepts, types, and schools of moral theory, and illustrates how these may be applied to contemporary moral problems and ethical questions in academic, professional, and social endeavors. CODE A


ILT 109 Electrical Blueprint Reading I, 3 hours (3-0-0) This course will enable the student to obtain a working knowledge of the elements of blueprint reading; the ability to interpret electrical, mechanical, and architecture drawing; and the ability to visualize the entire building structure in relationship to the electrical system. (1-4-0) This course provides a study of the technical skills required to safely perform electrical wiring installations. Topics include methods of wiring residential, commercial, and industrial locations. Upon completion, students should be able to apply safe wiring skills to residential, commercial, and industrial applications. ILT 117 Principles of Construction Wiring, 3 hours (1-4-0) This course is designed to provide students with a working knowledge of basic direct current (DC) electrical principles. Topics include safety, basic atomic structure and theory, magnetism, conductors, insulators, use of Ohm’s law to solve for voltage, current, and resistance, electrical sources, power, inductors, and capacitors. Students will perform lockout/tagout procedures, troubleshoot circuits and analyze series, parallel, and combination DC circuits using the electrical laws and basic testing equipment to determine unknown electrical quantities. (1-4-0) This course is designed to provide students with a working knowledge of basic direct alternating current (AC) electrical principles. Topics include basic concepts of electricity, electrical components, basic circuits, measurement instruments, the laws of alternating current, and electrical safety with lockout procedures. Hands on laboratory exercises are provided to analyze various series, parallel, and combination alternating current circuit configurations containing resistors, inductors, and capacitors. Upon course completion, students will be able to describe and explain alternating current circuit fundamentals such as RLC circuits, impedance, phase relationships, and power factors. They should also be able to perform fundamental tasks associated with troubleshooting, repairing, and maintaining industrial AC systems. ILT 160 DC Fundamentals, 3 hours ILT 161 AC Fundamentals, 3 hours ILT 162 Solid State Fundamentals, 3 hours (1-4-0) This course provides instruction in basic solid state theory beginning with atomic structure and includes devices such as diodes, bipolar transistors, field effect transistors, amplifiers, thyristors, operational amplifiers, oscillator and power supply circuits. Emphasis is placed on


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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