for students completing MTH 098 Elementary Algebra.) This course provides a study of algebraic concepts such as laws of exponents, polynomial operations, factoring polynomials, radical and rational expressions and equations and quadratic equations. Functions and relations are introduced and graphed. This course does not apply toward the general core requirement for mathematics. CODE B MTH 109 Support for Finite Mathematics, 1 hour Prerequisite: Appropriate mathematics placement score or MTH 100 Intermediate College Algebra. Corequisite: MTH 110 Finite Mathematics This Learning Support course provides co-requisite support in mathematics for students enrolled in MTH 110. The material covered in this course is parallel to and supportive of the material taught in MTH 110. Emphasis is placed on providing students with additional academic and noncognitive support with the goal of success in the students’ paired MTH 110 class. This course does not apply toward the general core requirement for mathematics. CODE C (3-0-0) Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in MTH 098 Elementary Algebra or appropriate mathematics placement score. MTH 110 Finite Mathematics, 3 hours Corequisite: MTH 109 Support for Finite Mathematics OR other mandatory support, if required. (Note that MTH 109 is required for students moving directly from MTH 098 Elementary Algebra to MTH110). . This course provides an overview of topics in finite mathematics together with their applications, and is intended for students who are not majoring in science, engineering, commerce, or mathematics (i.e., students who are not required to take Calculus). The course introduces logic, set theory, counting techniques, basic probability, statistics, and personal finance. CODE A MTH 111 Support for Precalculus Algebra, 1 hour Prerequisite: Appropriate mathematics placement score or MTH 100 Intermediate College Algebra. Corequisite: MTH 112 Precalculus Algebra This Learning Support course provides co-requisite support in mathematics for students enrolled in MTH 112. The material covered in this course is parallel to and supportive of the material taught in MTH 112. Emnphasis is placed on providing students with additional academic and noncognitive support with the goal of success in the students’ paired MTH 112 class. This course does not apply toward the general core requirement for mathematics. CODE C MTH 112 Precalculus Algebra, 3 hours (3-0-0) Prerequisite: Successful completion of MTH 100 Intermediate College Algebra with a grade of C or higher or appropriate placement. Corequisite: MTH 111 Support for Precalculus Algebra, if required. This course emphasizes the algebra of functions - including polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions. In addition, the course covers non-linear inequalities as well as


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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