Period and introduces simple musical forms. Topics include principles of voice leading used in three-and four-part triadic harmony and diatonic seventh chords, non-chord tones, cadences, phrases and periods. Code B
MUS 211 Music Theory III, 4 hours
Prerequisite: MUS 112 This course introduces the student to the chromatic harmonic practices in the Common Practice Period and beyond. Topics include secondary functions, modulatory techniques and formal analysis. Code C
MUS 212 Music Theory IV, 1 hour
Prerequisite: MUS 211 This course completes the study of chromatic harmonic practices in the Common Practice Period and beyond. Topics include the Neapolitan and augmented sixth chords, sonata form, late nineteenth century tonal harmony and contemporary practices and forms. Code C
MUL Class Performance Instruction
MUL 111-112; Class Voice I, II, III, IV, 1 hour each (0-2-0) Group Instruction is available in voice for students with little or no previous training. Emphasis is placed on the rudiments of music, basic performance technique and general musicianship skills. Upon completion of one or a sequence of courses, students should be able to demonstrate a basic proficiency in singing and knowledge of music fundamentals. Code C (0-2-0) This course is a seminar clinic in advanced rehearsal/performance techniques. Emphasis is placed on intensive rehearsal techniques required for advanced or specialized performance groups. Upon completion, students should be able to effectively participate in performances presented by this type of ensemble. Code C MUL 170 Music Workshop I (Vocal), 1 hour MUL 171 Music Workshop II (Instruments), 1 hour (0-2-0) This course is a seminar clinic in advanced rehearsal/performance techniques. Emphasis is placed on intensive rehearsal techniques required for advanced or specialized performance groups. Upon completion, students should be able to effectively participate in performances presented by this type of ensemble. Code C
MUL 172-173, 272-273 Musical Theatre Workshop I, II, III, IV, 1 hour each
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor This course includes the study of musical theatre history, styles, performance and technical production. Emphasis is placed on the supervised study, preparation, production and performances of scenes or complete works of musical theatre. Upon completion, students should be able to effectively participate in a public presentation of the prepared scenes or work in an assigned performance or technical role. Code C
2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook
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