Certificate provided to the College is not valid, then the College may 1) request documentation from the s econdary school that confirms the validity of the student’s diploma, and/or 2) confirm with or request documentation from the relevant department or agency in the state in which the secondary school is located that the secondary school is recognized as a provider of secondary school education. NOTATION: Conditional admission may be granted to an applicant if the College has not received the required documents as listed above prior to the first term of enrollment. Failure to provide documentation by the end of the first semester will prevent a student from future registration and official transcript release. The College may establish additional admission requirements when student enrollment must be limited or to assure ability-to-benefit.

Admission of Ability to Benefit Students

In keeping with the mission of the Alabama Community College System, applicants with less than a high school diploma or GED may be admitted to courses creditable toward an associate degree or programs comprised exclusively of courses not creditable toward an associate degree, provided that he/she meets all criteria listed below:  Students must be co-enrolled in the Adult Education Program and a program of study.  The chosen program of study must be defined as an eligible career pathway under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and by federal Pell Grant Ability to Benefit criteria.

The College may establish higher or additional admission requirements for a specific program or service when student enrollment must be limited or to assure ability-to-benefit.

Admission of Students Seeking Re-Admission

Students returning to Lurleen B. Wallace Community College after one or more terms of non- attendance (excluding summer terms) are required to submit an application for admission and official transcripts from all regionally or Council on Occupational Education accredited postsecondary institutions attended since the last date of attendance at Lurleen B. Wallace Community College or either of its former entities: Lurleen B. Wallace Junior College or Douglas MacArthur State Technical College. Students who have not been in attendance for five or more years may also be required to submit the admission documents required of first-time college students. Returning students are eligible for readmission only if they are in good standing from the last term of attendance. Students who are not in good standing or who have not served designated suspension periods may request readmission by written appeal to the Admissions Appeals Committee. Returning students will follow the most current curriculum requirements for their program of study upon readmission to the College.

An Ability to Benefit student seeking re-admission will not be required to retake the Ability to


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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