Benefit assessment if they have successfully completed 6 or more semester hours. Otherwise, they will need to retest and meet the current score requirements.

Re-admission of U.S. Armed Forces Members

In the event that a student can no longer attend Lurleen B. Wallace Community College due to military service, it is the policy of LBWCC that Service members shall be readmitted to the College according to the provisions for Service members in Chapter 3 of Volume 2 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook

Admission of Transfer Students

A transfer student must have submitted to the College an application for admission and official transcripts from all regionally accredited postsecondary institutions attended, and, as designated by the College, any other documents required for first-time College students. NOTATION: Conditional admission may be granted to an applicant if the College has not received the required documents as listed above prior to the first term of enrollment. Failure to provide documentation by the end of the first semester will prevent a student from future registration and official transcript release. The College may establish additional admission requirements when student enrollment must be limited. Initial Academic Status of Transfer Students A transfer student whose cumulative grade point average at the transfer institution(s) is 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale will be admitted on clear academic status. A transfer student whose cumulative grade point average at the transfer institution(s) is less than 2.0 on a 4.0 scale will be admitted only on Academic Probation. The transcript will read ADMITTED ON ACADEMIC PROBATION. An applicant, who has been academically suspended from another regionally accredited postsec- ondary institution, may be admitted as a transfer student only after following the appeal process established at the college for “native” students who have been academically sus pended. If the transfer student is admitted upon appeal, the student will enter the institution on Academic Probation. The transcript will read ADMITTED UPON APPEAL — ACADEMIC PROBATION.

Transfer Credit Evaluation Policy

Prospective students who have earned college credits at another institution must present an official transcript to the Director of Admissions and Records at least one month prior to registering for classes. The transcript will be evaluated and transfer credit will be determined as soon as possible. Requests for transfer credit presented to the Director of Admissions and Records in an untimely manner will be evaluated as time permits. General Principles for Transfer of Credit 1. Coursework transferred or accepted for credit toward an undergraduate program must rep- resent collegiate coursework relevant to the formal award, with course content and level


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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