traditional Education Support (DANTES/DSST); or through examinations (challenge exams) developed by the college.

2. Credit awarded for transcripted military training A. Credit may be awarded for academic and technical courses based on equivalent transcripted military training as shown on an ACE Joint Service Transcript or an official transcript from the Community College of the Air Force. B. Evaluation of military transcripts will be conducted by the college’s registrar in cooperation with the subject matter expert for the credit under consideration. 3. Nontraditional Credit: Career and Technical Education Credit Awarded for Articulation A. Students completing courses in the approved Statewide Career and Technical Education Articulation Agreement will receive articulated credit to the Alabama Community College System institution of their choice offering the corresponding program of study. Performance or knowledge testing of secondary program graduates is not required as part of the articulation process. 4. Awarding Credit Through Prior Learning Assessment A. Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is a means for a student to receive college level credit for experiential learning that took place in a non-traditional learning environment, such as on-the-job training, military training, professional development seminars, volunteerism, and experience in-field. Awarding of credit through PLA relies heavily on aligning knowledge and skills gained through experience with learning outcomes found in traditional courses of higher education. To facilitate the awarding of credit, the College has developed a series of Prior Learning Inventories for applicable technical programs. These inventories provide a detailed list of course learning objectives for each program and align those with relevant industry credentials and experiences, identified by LBWCC technical faculty members, that will be accepted for prior learning credit. Inventories are updated regularly and kept on file with the Director of Admissions and Records. B. Course credit earned from prior learning shall be noted on t he student’s transcript as having been awarded through PLA.

Admission of Accelerated High School Students

The Accelerated High School program allows high school students the opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school. College credit earned through the Accelerated High School program may not substitute for high school credit.

A student is eligible for early admission if the student meets all of the following criteria:

1. The student has successfully completed the tenth grade; 2. The student provides a certification from the local principal and/or his or her designee cer- tifying that the student has a minimum cumulative 3.0 average and recommends the stu- dent be admitted under this policy; 3. The student may enroll only in postsecondary courses for which high school prerequisites have been completed (for example, a student may not take English Composition until all required high school English courses have been completed).


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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