project which have been prepared by others;

15. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, other college activities, or other activities on college premises by either college or non-college persons or groups; 16. Destruction, damage, or misuse of college, public, or private property (the student or organization is responsible for any damage done to college property); 17. Conduct in violation of federal or state statutes or local ordinance which threatens the health and/or safety of the College community, or adversely affects the educational environment of the College; 18. Conviction of any misdemeanor or felony which adversely affects the educational environment of the College; 19. Obtaining college services by false pretenses including, but not limited to, misappropriation or conversion of college funds, supplies, equipment, labor, material, space, facilities, or services; 20. Hazing, i.e., any mental or physical requirement or obligation placed upon a person by a member of any organization, or by an individual, or by a group of individuals, which could cause discomfort, pain, or injury, or which violates any legal statute or college rule, regulation, or policy. Hazing has been defined as, but not limited to, the striking, laying open hand upon, treating with violence, or offering to do bodily harm to a person with intent to punish or injure the

6. Obtaining, possessing, or gaining knowledge or answers to a current test or assignment before it has been distributed to the class and without the knowledge and consent of the instructor; 7. Gaining, without authorization, access to the work of another student (e.g. accessing the computer file of another student); 8. Plagiarizing (presenting as one’s ow n the ideas, data, and/or works of another); 9. Inventing data or information in the preparation of assignments except when such invention is expressly authorized; 10. Violating any supplementary academic honesty code that has been adopted and approved in individual divisions of the College and distributed to students within those divisions; 11. Knowingly furnishing false information to the members of the College faculty or to other officers or employees of the College in pursuit of their official duties;

12. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of college documents, records, or identification;

13. Issuance of worthless checks made payable to the College;

14. Failure to comply with the authority of college officials acting within the capacity and performance of their positions;


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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