or employee, the College shall, within the scope of applicable Federal and State due process requirements, take such administrative or disciplinary action as is appropriate. For a student, the disciplinary action may include, but shall not be limited to, suspension or expulsion. For an employee, such administrative or disciplinary action may include, but shall not be limited to, reprimand or suspension or termination of employment or requirement that the employee participate in and/or successfully complete an appropriate rehabilitation program. Any visitor engaging in any act prohibited by this policy shall be called upon to immediately desist from such behavior. If any employee, student or visitor shall engage in any behavior prohibited by this policy which is also a violation of Federal, State or local law or ordinance, that employee, student or visitor shall be subject to referral to law enforcement officials for arrest and prosecution. III. Legal Sanctions Regarding Unlawful Use, Pos- session or Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages and Illicit Drugs A. State Offenses Activities which violate Alabama laws con- cerning illicit possession, use and distribution of alcoholic beverages or drugs include, but are not limited to, the following. (Those provisions which refer to drug “Schedules” are making reference to the authorization by the State Legislature for the State Board of Health to classify drugs in terms of their potential for abuse and their current usage in medical treat- ment. Schedule I consists primarily of “street drugs” such as crystal methamphetamine, heroin, morphine, marijuana, LSD, mescaline, etc. Schedule II includes opium, cocaine and methadone, among other illicit drugs. Schedule III drugs include those which have less potential for
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
I. Introduction
It is the policy of Lurleen B. Wallace Community College that during each academic year, the information contained in this document shall be distributed to each student and employee of the College. It is further the policy of Lurleen B. Wallace Community College that during May of 1991 and every other May thereafter, a committee assigned by the President of the College shall review its Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program and shall: 1. Determine the effectiveness of its program and report to the President any revisions needed by the program to make it more effective; and 2. Ensure that the standards of conducts described in Part II hereof are fairly and consistently enforced; and 3. Submit a written report to the President stating the findings and recommendations of the Committee. The President shall implement the Committee’s recommended revisions as he/she shall deem appropriate and reasonable.
II. Standards of Conduct and Disciplinary Sanctions for Violations
Lurleen B. Wallace Community College is a public educational institution of the State of Alabama and, as such, shall not permit on its premises, or at any activity which it sponsors, the possession, use or distribution of any alcoholic beverage or any illicit drug by any student, employee or visitor. In the event of the confirmation of such prohibited possession, use or distribution by a student
2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook
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