I. Individuals and groups who engage in expressive activity in outdoor areas on Lurleen B. Wallace Community College property are subject to LBWCC policies relating to the use and operation of campus facilities, including without limitation policies relating to firearms and weapons, alcohol, smoking, and trespass. LBWCC prohibits the possession or use of clubs, bats, weapons, open flames, or other dangerous materials on campus property during these events. Such policies include the College’s Code of Conduct, Use of Facilities and Services Policy and Smoking/Tobacco Policy. J. Lurleen B. Wallace Community College shall not permit members of the Campus Community to engage in conduct that materially and substantially disrupts protected expressive activity or infringes on the right to engage in expressive activity. Any act of reprisal, interference, coercion, or restraint, by a student or employee, of protected expressive activity, violates this policy and will result in appropriate disciplinary action. Disciplinary sanctions for members of the Campus Community under the jurisdiction of LBWCC who violate this subsection shall be handled through the Student Code of Conduct and the College’s disciplinary action policies and procedures. K. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to prevent Lurleen B. Wallace Community College from regulating and restricting expressive activity that is not protected by the United States Constitution, the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, or state law, including, but not limited to, any of the following: 1. Violations of state or federal law, including, but not limited to, actions that damage institutional property. 2. Expressions that a court has deemed unprotected defamation.

3. Harassment. 4. True threats, which are defined as statements meant by the speaker to communicate a serious expression of an intent to commit an act of unlawful violence to a particular individual or group of individuals. 5. An unjustifiable invasion of privacy or confidentiality not involving a matter of public concern. 6. An action that unlawfully disrupts the function or security of the institution. 7. Any constitutional time, place, and manner restrictions for outdoor areas of campus when they are narrowly tailored to serve a significant institutional interest and when the restrictions employ clear, published, content-neutral, and viewpoint-neutral criteria, and provide for ample alternative means of expression. L. Complaints or questions regarding the application of this policy should be addressed in accordance with the Student Grievance Procedures and the Grievance Procedure for Employees. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Dean of Student Affairs. III. Commercial Activity on Campus Individuals, organizations and groups, both internal and external to Lurleen B. Wallace Community College, may not conduct commercial transactions or engage in commercial speech on LBWCC property unless authorized pursuant to ACCS Board of Trustees Policy 515.01 and approved by the President in advance in accordance with the policy on Solicitations found in section 9 of the LBWCC Policies and Procedures Manual. Commercial speech means speech in


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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