which the speaker is engaged in commerce, the intended audience is commercial or actual or potential consumers, and the content of the message is commercial. Fundraising, including political fundraising, is considered solicitation and therefore deemed commercial speech under this policy. IV. Policy Distribution. This policy will be included in new student, new faculty, and new staff orientation programs. Lurleen B. Wallace Community College shall disseminate this policy to all members of the Campus Community and make this policy available in handbooks and our website. V. Relationship to Other Policies. This policy shall supersede and nullify any previous Lurleen B. Wallace Community College policies that could regulate speech on LBWCC campuses. However, this policy is not intended to supersede, nullify, or amend any LBWCC policy that regulates the reservations and use of interior spaces on campus, or that charge incidental fees for the use of such spaces. VI. Annual Report. Lurleen B. Wallace Community College will submit an annual report to the Chancellor and Board of Trustees by August 15 for the prior 12-month period ending July 31 that includes the following: 1. The date and description of each violation of this policy. 2. A description of the administrative handling and discipline relating to each violation. 3. A description of substantial difficulties, controversies, or successes in maintaining a posture of administrative and institutional neutrality.

4. Any additional assessments, criticism, commendations, or recommendations LBWCC sees fit to include.

Facilities Usage Policy

Access to Campus The facilities and grounds of the institution are restricted to LBWCC students, employees, and invited guests of the institution, except when part or all of the campus, its buildings or facilities are open to the general public for a designated time and purpose, or when use by non-affiliated groups, organizations or individuals has been granted or approved pursuant to the provisions of this policy. A guest of the institution, whether invited by a student or employee, is approved to visit for a specific time, place, and purpose. Loitering is prohibited. All persons on the campus of Lurleen B. Wallace Community College shall be subject to all rules and regulations of the institution applicable to the conduct of students on campus, and to all applicable federal and state laws and regulations. In addition, all persons who operate motor vehicles on any campus or any off-campus center agree by such operation to be subject to institution rules, regulations, policies, and procedures for operating and parking of vehicle. Anyone who is committing any act tending to interfere with the normal, orderly, peaceful, or efficient conduct of activities of the College, may be directed by an official of the institution to leave the campus or facility. If the person fails to do so, trespass charges may be made by the institution through the appropriate local law enforcement agency or court. General Conditions for Use of Property or Facilities LBWCC will allow the use of its facilities, when available and when the use does not conflict or interfere with normal, day-to-day


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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