operations and activities. Use of the institution’s facilities b y others shall be compatible with the philosophy, mission, functions and objectives of the College. LBWCC will allow the use of its facilities in accordance with this policy, applicable laws and ordinances, established rules and regulations, and prevailing community standards of conduct and behavior. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the President, prior to the signing of a contract. Facilities may be used based on a priority system. A priority system is established to facilitate decisions on facilities use and applicable charges, when scheduling conflicts arise. First priority for use will be given to College events and no charge will be levied. Second priority will be given to organizations with which the College has a written partnership agreement and events co- sponsored by the College such as meetings requested by elected federal, state and local officials or municipalities; however LBWCC facilities may not be used for political campaign activities. Rental fees will not be levied, but other fees, such as clean up and damage to the property, may be charged to the user. Third priority will be given to users that are non-profit, civic, cultural, or charitable in nature. These users will be assessed applicable charges. The last priority will be given to other individuals, governmental entities, religious and other groups, professional associates, clubs, corporations, and institutions. These users will be assessed applicable charges. In conjunction with the priority system, facilities may be used based on a rental fee schedule and established rules and regulations. A fee schedule is published to establish rates for rentable space. Detailed rules and regulations are published and available to the public via the LBWCC website.

A rental application will be used to specify contractual terms between the College and the applicant. Campus property and facilities may not be used by any non-affiliated group, organization or individual for the conduct of profit-making activities, except when a rental or lease agreement is negotiated and the institution receives a fair rental value for the property or facility used. Rental or lease agreements may be required for nonprofit activities of non- affiliated groups, organizations or individuals; however, rental charges for such use may be reduced or waived at the discretion of the President. Rentable space is defined as all space that may be available after the academic needs of the institution have been met. Use of campus property and facilities, pursuant to prior approval, for meetings or other activities, is subject to limitations on the number of persons who may attend in accordance with appropriate building and fire codes and safety standards. Smoking and the use of tobacco products inside College facilities is prohibited. Smoking is only allowed outside in designated areas. According to Public Law 100-690, no alcoholic beverage, illegal drugs, or controlled substances are allowed on the premises of LBWCC at any time. Firearms are prohibited on campus or on any other property operated by the College, except by law enforcement officers legally authorized to carry such weapons, who are officially enrolled in classes or are acting in the performance of their duties, or for an instructional program in which firearms are required equipment. Illegal gambling while using College facilities is prohibited. Ample time, agreed upon by both parties, will be allowed for decorating the facility prior to the event. No nails, tacks, staples, hot glue, Velcro, cellophane, or duct tape are allowed


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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