other college officials and instructors who have a legitimate educational interest in such records, officials of other schools in which the student seeks and intends to enroll, the Comptroller General of the United States, the Secretary of HRS, the U.S. Commissioner of Education, or authorized stated educational authorities (the appropriate authorities in connection with such information are specifically required to be reported or disclosed by state law adopted prior to November 19, 1974) accrediting organizations in order to carry parents as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, in compliance with judicial order or pursuant to any lawfully issued subpoena, upon condition that an effort is made by the institution in advance of the compliance, organizations, conducting studies for or on behalf of educational agencies if such studies are con- ducted in such a manner as not to permit the personal identification of students and their parents to persons other than those representing such organizations. Information other than directory information may be made available to the student or party who wishes information released by written consent of the eligible student. The written request must be signed by the student, must be dated, must specify record to be released, must give reason for release, and must give names of parties to whom such record will be released. Lurleen B. Wallace Community College shall not prohibit the restriction of the release of education or personally identifiable information if the release of this information is necessary to protect the health and/or safety of the student and/or the institution. No personal information about a student will be released without a written statement to the party receiving this information that no other party is to have access to such information

without the written consent of the eligible student. Student Grievance Procedures (General) Lurleen B. Wallace Community College recognizes that in order to efficiently and effectively carry out its mission, its students must feel confident that any valid complaint or grievance a student may make concerning the College will be promptly addressed by the appropriate authorities. Therefore, the following procedures for resolving all such complaints and grievances (excluding Civil Rights complaints) have been adopted by the College.

Initial Steps to Resolve a Complaint

1. Students: Any student of the College who wishes to make a complaint shall report that complaint by completing the LBWCC Student Grievance form and submitting it to the Dean of Student Affairs. If the complaint is about a specific occurrence, the complaint shall be made within ten (10) business days of the occurrence. If the student’s complaint cannot be resolved immediately but requires instead a “plan of reso lution,” the Dean of Student Affairs shall submit a written report to the President. The report shall be submitted within ten (10) working days of the complaint and shall detail the complaint and the plan to resolve the complaint. 2. Plan of Resolution: 3. Grievance Appeal Procedures: A student who submits a LBWCC Student Grievance form and who is not informed of a satisfactory resolution, or plan of resolution, of the complaint within ten (10) business days shall have the right to file with the Dean of Student Affairs a written appeal statement detailing the grievance. The written appeal statement shall


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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