


Example: It is unacceptable  to make more copies of licensed software than the license allows,  to plagiarize works that you find on the Internet,  to upload, download, distribute, or possess pornography,  to violate copyright laws, including the use of images, programs, sounds, and test,  to upload, download, or distribute copyrighted materials including, but not limited to, software, music and movies, for which the user does not have the permission from the owner to do so.

Technology.  Labs will only be open outside of the posted hours on a case by case basis. For example: If a student must complete an assignment, the instructor could open the lab as long as the instructor locks the lab once the student is finished.  THESE POLICIES WILL BE ENFORCED.


The College defines intellectual property as works, discoveries, or findings that are intellectual or creative in nature. Employees The following policy applies to all full-time and part-time faculty and staff, as well as to individuals who have contracted with the College to perform services: LBWCC owns all intellectual property, including but not limited to any copyrighted, trademarked, or patented works that are fully or partially created by employees on institution time or with th e institution’s resources, such as equipment, facilities, and supplies. Revenue generated from the sale or distribution of such intellectual property belongs to the College. The employee retains the rights to any copyrighted, trademarked, or patented works that are not created on institution time or with the institution’s resources. Employees who anticipate creating a piece of intellectual property on their own time shall submit a completed Notification of Secondary Employment form prior to beginning work in order to avoid potential conflicts over ownership rights of that material.

Laboratory Usage Policy

 Computer laboratories will be closed on all state holidays and breaks between semesters.  Labs will have a schedule on the door listing the posted hours of operation. These hours will vary from lab to lab and semester to semester. These labs will only be open during the posted hours.  After hours students may use the Library for computer access.  Instructors may have to unlock the lab for your class and will be expected to lock the lab back unless a class is scheduled to follow yours.  Maintenance staff and instructors should lock lab found open outside of the posted hours of operation.  During class time instructors should only allow students enrolled in class to access the lab.  If the lab usage policy conflicts with student needs and access, students should see the Associate Dean of

Students The following policy applies to all full-time and


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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