part-time students:

Copyright Compliance Information

Ownership of any intellectual property created by a student enrolled at the College such as written compositions, musical scores, sculptures, paintings, photographs, films, audio or video recordings, and computer software, shall be vested in the student unless the student has created this intellectual property in the course of employment by the College. Students who are employed by the College (e.g., tutors, Work Study students) are subject to the employee policy noted above. When a student submits work as a course requirement, the College is granted a perpetual, royalty-free license by the submitting student to make copies of the work and to distribute copies to faculty, staff, or students for administrative and educational purposes. The College and its students recognize that some intellectual property may arise or be developed by students from interaction with the instructor and other students. Under those circumstances, the intellectual property may not be the exclusive property of the student. When a student's work has been accepted for publication by a journal or a publisher, absent an agreement to the contrary, the work becomes the property of the publisher. Resolution of Disputes In cases where ownership of intellectual property is uncertain, the President will establish an ad hoc committee to review the

Lurleen B. Wallace Community College respects the intellectual property rights of others seriously and expects students, faculty, and staff to do so as well. It is the responsibility of all members of the Lurleen B. Wallace Community College to make a good faith determination that their use of copyrighted materials complies with the United States Copyright Law. Proper use of copyright materials also extends to electronic resources available on the Internet. Anyone using LBWCC computing and network resources consents to the IT Acceptable Use Policy. The policy outlines the responsible use of all LBWCC computing and network resources. It states users are expected to abide by guidelines, including “respecting the public trust through which they have been provided, the rights and privacy of others, the integrity of the facilities, and pertinent laws, college policies and standards and to limit their use of information resources to the educational purposes and legitimate business of the College.” Making unauthorized copies of licensed software or copyrighted material is prohibited. Persons who violate the IT Acceptable Use Policy, as well as other policies regarding the use of copyrighted materials, may be subject to suspension or revocation of utilization privileges, administrative discipline, or immediate termination/dismissal of the violator’s relationship with Lurleen B. Wallace Community College, and could lead to criminal and civil prosecution. Penalties for Copyright Violations Under federal law, a person found to have infringed upon a copyrighted work may be liable for actual damages and lost profits attributable to the infringement and statutory

details of the case and make a final determination regarding rights to the material.

LBWCC Copyrighted Materials and Higher Education Opportunity Act


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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