or evidence that constitute or seek disclosure of information protected under a legally recognized privilege, unless the person holding such privilege has waived the privilege. Coordinators, Investigators, Decision Makers shall all have received training for their respective roles prior to participating in a Title IX Complaint or grievance process. All materials used to train the Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, Decision Makers and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process may be found on the College's website at The College's Title IX

 Written warning  Letter of reprimand

 Mandatory attendance at an educational program on discrimination, harassment, and/or sexual misconduct, or retaliation  Mandatory referral for psychological assessment and compliance with any resulting treatment plan  Restriction of responsibilities  Reassignment or transfer to another department  Suspension without pay  Final written warning  Dismissal/termination of employment  No trespass order may be issued for individuals who have been accused of and/or

Student Name Change Policy

For Individuals other than employees or students:

Students are required to provide their official legal name at the time of application to Lurleen B. Wallace Community College. Name change requests must be submitted in writing to the Office of Admissions and Records and will require documentation of the change. Requests may be made in person, via fax, or by mail. Mailed requests should be sent to: Admissions and Records, Lurleen B. Wallace Community College, P.O. Drawer 1418, Andalusia, AL 36420. Current or former students may submit a “Change of Student Information” form along with appropriate legal documentation. Acceptable documentation generally consists of new driver’s license, official state ID card, Social Security card, certified copy of marriage license, court order, dissolution decree, or current passport.

1. A no trespass order may be issued for individuals who have been accused and/or found in violation of sexual harassment. 2. A no contact order may be issued for individuals who have been accused of and/or found in violation of sexual harassment. At any time in the grievance process the College may impose a temporary delay or limited extension of time frames for good cause with written notice to the complainant and the respondent of the delay or extension and the reasons for the action. Good cause may include considerations such as the absence of a party, a party 's advisor, or a witness, concurrent law enforcement activity, or the need for language assistance or accommodation of disabilities. Neither the College assigned Investigator or Decision Makers and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process shall require, rely upon, or otherwise use questions

Student Publications Policy

The purpose of the student publications policy is to provide guidance to students in developing student publications, specifically a


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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